
documents manager

Primary LanguageC

PROJ_NAME: Documents Manager
DATE:   2011-11-18
Author: huangleililei@gmail.com

    1.About movie manager.Because I find in my movie folder, many movies included, so I want to build directory for every movie by its name.So I decide to strtok its name, and use execlp function to run mkdir && mv .
    2.Next I want to do like this for .c file, and I also want to study how to create Makefile for every .c file,thinking .....

Need to prompt:
    I use fork() to create process, then to call execlp() , so can handle cycle.Actually we can use system() function to do, beacause this function will run mkdir or mv with child process.
    Next, we need to finish kinds of function.Like delete the file which is 0 bytes,need to thinking.....

   Function prototype
        doc -c/-m/-d  option[path]

   A- Something I think it is used to do . I need to write document for my project, so I think I can desigser a fixed pattern Document plan, all the things will be done in this direcotory Document.So now I will to designser which file need to included.

   B- Now I desigser the command parameters:
        -c      means to handle .c file;
        -m      means to handle movie file;
        -d      means to create project's documents which format is doc; (可行性分析,需求分析(SRS),概要设计(HLD),详细系统设计(LLD),测试计划及结果,使用手册)
        -ud      means to delete project's documents which format is doc; (可行性分析,需求分析(SRS),概要设计(HLD),详细系统设计(LLD),测试计划及结果,使用手册)

    B+ Third parameter:
        null    means to handle current directory;
        [path]  means to handle path directory;