
frida-based libil2cpp.so runtime parsing script

Primary LanguageTypeScript


frida-based libil2cpp.so runtime parsing script


  • Parse Unity's method m / class c / field f / instance lfs
  • parse runtime method argument b
  • (Batch) Hook B/BF for commonly used functions, modify function return value setFunction...
  • More convenient to find function findMethods and call function callFunction
  • object hierarchy PrintHierarchy / type hierarchy showTypeParent
  • Disassemble showAsm with frida and method information
  • Commonly used Hook package HookOnPointerClick/HookSetActive/B_Button...
  • Parse mount script showComponents alias s HookOnPointerClick/PrintHierarchyWithComponents is also introduced <--- testing
  • ...


$ npm install il2cpp-hooker -g

then you can use like this ↓

  1. frida attch current app
$ fat
  1. frida spawn app of ${PackageName}
$ fat ${PackageName}
  1. Command line options
$ fat -h

        _ _  ______                        _                 _
        | | |(_____ \                      | |               | |
        | | |  ____) )____ ____  ____ _____| |__   ___   ___ | |  _ _____  ____
        | | | / ____// ___)  _ \|  _ (_____)  _ \ / _ \ / _ \| |_/ ) ___ |/ ___)
        | | || (____( (___| |_| | |_| |    | | | | |_| | |_| |  _ (| ____| |
        |_|_|\______)____)  __/|  __/     |_| |_|\___/ \___/|_| \_)_____)_|
                        |_|   |_|

Usage: fat [options] <package-name?>

  -h, --help                  Print usage information.
  -r, --runtime [engine]      Specify the JS engine (qjs, v8). Default: v8
  -t, --timeout [ms]          Specify the time in milliseconds before calling the function.
  -f, --functions [name]      Specify the functions to call on startup. example: -f getApkInfo();
  -l, --log [path]            Specify the path to save the log.
  -c, --vscode                Open project with vscode.
  -v, --version               Print version information.

Report bugs to:
   axhlzy <axhlzy@live.cn> (https://github.com/axhlzy/Il2CppHookScripts/)


$ git clone https://github.com/axhlzy/Il2CppHookScripts.git
$ cd Il2cppHook/
$ fat -c    <--- After install il2cpp-hooker. It is a more convenient way to construct and use.

$ npm install

$ npm run build & npm run compress
$ npm run watch

$ frida -U -f com.xxx.xxx -l ../_Ufunc.js
$ frida -FU -l ../_Ufunc.js


More details