
Externs of Pixi.js for Haxe

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT

Haxelib Version npm version Build Status Stories in Ready Built with Grunt

haxe pixi logo

Externs of Pixi.js v3.x for Haxe - A fast and lightweight 2D javascript rendering library that works across all devices.


haxelib install pixijs

or via npm

npm install hxpixijs

API Documentation



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Filters (WebGL only)

Look at the samples folder for the source code of above examples.


package samples.basics;

import pixi.core.display.Container;
import pixi.core.textures.Texture;
import pixi.core.renderers.SystemRenderer;
import pixi.core.renderers.Detector;
import pixi.core.sprites.Sprite;
import js.Browser;

class Main {

	var _bunny:Sprite;
	var _renderer:SystemRenderer;
	var _stage:Container;

	public function new() {
		// Rendering options usage sample
		var options:RenderingOptions = {};
		options.backgroundColor = 0x003366;
		options.resolution = 1;

		_stage = new Container();
		_renderer = Detector.autoDetectRenderer(800, 600, options);

		_bunny = new Sprite(Texture.fromImage("assets/basics/bunny.png"));
		_bunny.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
		_bunny.position.set(400, 300);


		Browser.window.requestAnimationFrame(cast _animate);

	function _animate() {
		Browser.window.requestAnimationFrame(cast _animate);
		_bunny.rotation += 0.1;

	static function main() {
		new Main();

Licensing Information

MIT license

This content is released under the MIT License.

Pixi.js is licensed under the MIT License.

Contributor Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct is adapted from Contributor Covenant, version 1.2.0