Externs of Pixi.js v3.x for Haxe - A fast and lightweight 2D javascript rendering library that works across all devices.
haxelib install pixijs
or via npm
npm install hxpixijs
Found any bug? Please create a new issue.
- Basics
- Graphics
- Movieclip
- Spritesheet
- Texture Swap
- Rope
- Dragging
- Tiling
- Bitmap Font
- Alpha Mask
- Bunnymark
- Retina
- Events
- Loader
- Video
- Nape
- Device Info
- Device Detection
Filters (WebGL only)
Look at the samples
folder for the source code of above examples.
package samples.basics;
import pixi.core.display.Container;
import pixi.core.textures.Texture;
import pixi.core.renderers.SystemRenderer;
import pixi.core.renderers.Detector;
import pixi.core.sprites.Sprite;
import js.Browser;
class Main {
var _bunny:Sprite;
var _renderer:SystemRenderer;
var _stage:Container;
public function new() {
// Rendering options usage sample
var options:RenderingOptions = {};
options.backgroundColor = 0x003366;
options.resolution = 1;
_stage = new Container();
_renderer = Detector.autoDetectRenderer(800, 600, options);
_bunny = new Sprite(Texture.fromImage("assets/basics/bunny.png"));
_bunny.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
_bunny.position.set(400, 300);
Browser.window.requestAnimationFrame(cast _animate);
function _animate() {
Browser.window.requestAnimationFrame(cast _animate);
_bunny.rotation += 0.1;
static function main() {
new Main();
This content is released under the MIT License.
Pixi.js is licensed under the MIT License.
Code of Conduct is adapted from Contributor Covenant, version 1.2.0