
App for federated_mobile simulation

Primary LanguageJava

Federated Learning Application

You may want to read through the Quick Start before trying out this repo.


  1. Install server and client in PC:
$ ./gradlew installDist

This creates the scripts computation-server, computation-client. in the build/install/learning/bin/ directory that run the example. The example requires the server to be running before starting the client.

First run server:

$ ./build/install/federated_learning/bin/computation-server

This would give you log info like bellow

{Datetime} io.grpc.learning.computation.ComputationServer start
INFO: Server started, ip is {server ip} listening on 50051

And in a different terminal window run:

$ cd android/framework; ../../gradlew installDebug

Launch the client app from your device.

Input server ip and local epoch number, Click “联邦训练” . You’ll see the loss of Logistic regression

That's it!


The client (android device) can access the server.

For more information, refer to gRPC Java's tutorial.