Since ancient times, people on the Internet have loved to look at cats, pictures with them gain millions of likes on various social networks. There are many different memes with cats, the authors and pets of which remain in the shadows. Or you could face the problem that you can't find new pictures with cats. NFT Cats offers to solve these problems.
If you are the author of a meme with a cat, or you have a beautiful photo of your cat, you can post your photo card on NFT Cats thereby turning it into an NFT, that is, you will have the opportunity to monetize your pictures with cats.
If you like to collect a collection of photos with cats, then you can buy the original of any picture on NFT Cats and become a NFT collector of cats.
Install in the project folder NFT_CATS
sudo apt-get install python3-venv # If needed
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
py -3 -m venv .venv
Choose an interpreter in your development environment.
Do python
-m pip install --upgrade pip
Now install the following libraries to work with backendom
python -m pip install flask
python -m pip install flask-sqlalchemy
python -m pip install flask-login
python -m pip install flask-mail
python -m pip install flask-wtf
python -m pip install flask-cors
pip uninstall itsdangerous
pip install itsdangerous==2.0.0
pip install email_validator
pip install mysqlclient
To start the backend in the backend folder, write this command:
Install in the project folder frontend
To install frontend write the command:
npm install
To start the frontend in the frontend folder, write this command:
npm run def