
gmpay plugin

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

GMPay Flutter Plugin Documentation

GMPay is a modern payment platform designed to facilitate secure and convenient transactions for businesses and individuals. The GMPay Flutter Plugin allows you to integrate GMPay into your Flutter applications seamlessly.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Configuration
  4. Usage
  5. API Reference
  6. Examples
  7. FAQ
  8. License


GMPay is a comprehensive payment solution that offers a range of features and services to streamline the payment process and enhance the overall user experience. This Flutter plugin enables you to harness the power of GMPay in your Flutter applications.


To get started with the GMPay Flutter Plugin, you need to install it in your Flutter project. You can do this by adding it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


After adding the dependency, run flutter pub get to install the package.


Before using the GMPay Flutter Plugin, you need to configure it with your GMPay account details and credentials. Here's how you can set up the configuration:

initialize Method

The initialize method is used to configure and initialize the GMPay Flutter Plugin with your GMPay account credentials. This method should be called before any other GMPay-related operations to ensure that the plugin is properly configured.


  • pubKey (String, required): Your GMPay public key, which is associated with your GMPay account. This key is used for secure communication with GMPay's servers.

  • secret (String, required): Your GMPay secret key, which is also associated with your GMPay account. This key is used for cryptographic operations and authentication.




Before initiating any payment transactions or interacting with GMPay services, you should call the initialize method with your GMPay public key and secret key. This step is crucial to ensure secure and successful communication with GMPay's servers.


  • Ensure that you replace the pubKey and secret values in the example with your actual GMPay account credentials.

  • The initialize method should be called at the beginning of your application's execution, preferably during initialization or setup.

  • Keep your GMPay secret key secure and never expose it in client-side code or public repositories, as it is a sensitive credential.

  • Make sure that you've added the GMPay Flutter Plugin as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file and performed the necessary installation steps before using the initialize method.

This method should be called once per application session to configure the GMPay Flutter Plugin for your GMPay account.

API Reference

For detailed information on available methods and options, refer to the API Reference.


Explore our example directory for sample Flutter applications that demonstrate how to use the GMPay Flutter Plugin in different scenarios.


Check out our FAQ for answers to common questions about the GMPay Flutter Plugin.


The GMPay Flutter Plugin is licensed under the MIT License. Make sure to review the license terms before using the plugin in your projects.