Classify Corpus Using Emotional Dictionary in python.

Primary LanguagePython


Classify corpus to do sentiment analysis using emotional dictionary in python.

####Input: A tweet containing several sentences. like: "这手机的画面极好,操作也比较流畅。不过拍照真的太烂了!系统也不好。"

####output: A list containing six fields(Pos, Neg, AvgPos, AvgNeg, StdPos, StdNeg) of the given tweet. like:[3.0, 5.0, 0.75, 1.25, 0.4330127018922193, 1.6393596310755001]

##Files ####sentiment dictionary source sentiment

  • 正面评价词语(中文).txt 中文正面评价词语 3730
  • 正面情感词语(中文).txt 中文正面情感词语 836
  • 负面评价词语(中文).txt 中文负面评价词语 3116
  • 负面情感词语(中文).txt 中文负面情感词语 1254


  • NTUSD_positive_simplified.txt 2810
  • NTUSD_negative_simplified.txt 8276


  • most.txt 程度级别词语(中文).txt “极其|extreme / 最|most” 69
  • more.txt 程度级别词语(中文).txt “较|more” 37 add 比较
  • very.txt 程度级别词语(中文).txt “很|very” 42
  • ish.txt 程度级别词语(中文).txt “稍|-ish” 29
  • over.txt 程度级别词语(中文).txt “超|over” 30
  • insufficiently.txt 程度级别词语(中文).txt “欠|insufficiently” 12

##Algorithm Improvements

  • 考虑多个程度词的连乘效应。 如:"非常不流畅" "流畅"属于posdict, 考虑"流畅"之前的词,"非常"取1×4=4, "不"取4*-1=-4 所以最终虽然"流畅"属于posdict,但此处归于negScore, negScore += 4
  • 分句尾的感叹号从该分句正负分值整体考虑,考虑感叹号之前整个分句单词的分值,如果posScore > negScore则posScore += 2, 否则negScore += 2
  • to be continued

##Notes Refer to Python 文本挖掘:使用情感词典进行情感分析(算法及程序设计) and Azure-rong