- Install the ANTLR v4 plugin in Pycharm or another JetBrains IDE.
- Right click "uncontracted_braille.g4" in the ANTLR4 folder and select "Configure ANTLR".
- In Language, write "Python3" and click "OK".
- Right click the grammar file again and choose "Generate ANTLR Recognizer".
- Repeat the same steps for the other grammar files.
- Install the required packages with pip.
- Run "main.py" to launch the GUI.
- Run "firefox_server.py" to launch the firefox image OCR server
- In VSCode, open the "braille-reader" directory.
- Open extension.ts.
- Press F5 to debug the extension.
- Once it successfully connects to the display software, open a file in the newly opened window.
- Place the cursor on any line of text or code.
- The display software will receive, translate and display the selected line of code.
- Open the following URL: "about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox".
- Press "Load Temporary Add-On".
- Select "manifest.json" within the "firefox-plugin" directory.
- Right click an image and select "Send image to OCR server"
- The text on the image will be extracted, sent to the braille display server, translated and rendered