
This project is a compiler for the tiger language, developed as part of our compilation project at TELECOM Nancy.


This program is used with the bash script ./tigerc found at the root of the project. It is used as follows :

    tigerc <file> <task> [argument] [options...]

    --parse-tree            Generates a representation of the input program's parse tree
    --ast <out-path>        Generates a DOT representation of the input program's AST
    --check-syntax          Check the syntax of the input program
    --check-semantics       Check the semantics of the input program
    --symtab                Dump the input program's symbol table
    --compile               Compile the input program
    -h, --help              Show this message
    --color                 Turns on colored output (default=true)
    --no-color              Turns off colored output
    --log-level=<value>     Sets gradle's log level to the specified value of (quiet, warn, info, debug). Default: quiet

Example programs can be found under the examples directory.


Tests can be found under the examples/tests directory. They are separated into semantic and syntactic tests, both having passing and failing examples.

You can launch all the syntactic tests with the TestingSyntaxic.sh script, and all the semantic tests with the TestingSemantic.sh script.

Complete programs examples can be found under the examples/programs directory.

Finally, the pandora.tig program is designed to fail all the semantic tests we have implemented.