White Tooth 🦷👩🏻‍⚕️

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Table of Contents 🔗


  • Students pursuing dentistry in Palestinian universities are mandated to encounter genuine cases and treat patients proficiently in order to successfully pass their academic assessments and graduate. The process of finding suitable patients for such purposes can be arduous, with some days passing without any patients while other days become overly busy and challenging to manage. To mitigate this issue, we have developed an application that serves to simplify the process for both patients and doctors alike.



  • .HTML, CSS, and JavaScript .
  • .Node Js and Express .
  • .Postgres SQL.


  • This project was based on [Week 6 - Code Academey]


  • This project is open to contributions from the community. To contribute, fork the project and create a pull request with your changes.


  • Developers:
  • Farah Alhalimi
  • Mohammad Albatrawi