
Remove Travis-Ci and GCP related code

zbeucler2018 opened this issue · 14 comments

There is a good amount of code related to Travis-ci and GCP (Google Cloud Platform) that is no longer needed. This code should be removed to reduce clutter and tech dept

Just to confirm we'd want to remove stuff like travis.py, .travis.yaml, those contain the GCP code (also check if anything calls them).

I suppose the relevant Dockerfile code too? (https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/stable-retro/blob/master/docker/linux/Dockerfile)

Any other obvious things I am missing?
I'll dig more but at least can point at the above items as necessary to remove.

Yea I think that should be good

Dockerfile sounds useful to keep IMO, as long as it’s not too hard to maintain I don’t see a problem having it

Yes, sorry, I was meaning there is GCP stuff in the dockerfile, I wasn't meaning to outright remove it.

Do we have a place we are putting the original travis related code? It seems like just flat out tossing it would maybe be a bad idea, we should make sure if we are pulling travis code out, it's going into dockerfiles (if docker is the path, or whatever CI ).

I.E. I was about to delete:

And realized if people didn't know that existed in the future we might have other issues and folks will have to do deep diving to find these things

Good point, we can always revert the code to the old version to find these changes so I won't worry about it

Is this done now?

Do we want to remove Travis files in the cores subdirectory? I haven't done that yet, but can pull them out and make a PR. (I dont know how many there are it may just be GBA but I can do a quick search)

There seemed to be a bit of overlap, I think someone else removed some Travis stuff, but inside the dockerfile there are still references to Google cloud stuff.

Do we want to remove Travis files in the cores subdirectory? I haven't done that yet, but can pull them out and make a PR. (I dont know how many there are it may just be GBA but I can do a quick search)

It seems to me that the original project, copy and pasted the emulators from projects which includes travis for testing.

As this was part of the original emulators, I'm in favor of not modifying any of the emulators (except for updating the whole project to a new version if possible)

There seemed to be a bit of overlap, I think someone else removed some Travis stuff, but inside the dockerfile there are still references to Google cloud stuff.

Which file are you referencing?

Yea I was actually wondering about whether we really wanted to modify the original projects code, I assume not tweaking it "should" allow an update easier if we decide we need to. I'm ok with that.

Example files:

This has
pip install google-auth google-cloud-storage pytest requests && \

Which we aren't using google cloud storage, nor google auth anymore.

I assume the same holds true more or less from the other dockerfiles in the docker folder.

Just to add a final note on the docker files, I know the one I added for windows works fine, but I'm actually not sure if the others work well/correctly/at all.

@onaclov2000 Could you try removing as much of those install as possible then we can close this issue

Pull Request submitted.

This can be closed.