Container Workflow Tool

A python3 tool to make rebuilding container images easier by automating several steps of the process.


The actual rebuild of container images consists of several steps that have been so far done manually. Some of these steps are:

  • Rebase against upstream repository
  • Check the changes made by the rebase
  • Push the changes into dist-git and run the build

All of the steps are currently automated or semi-automated by cwt (but still need to be manually started). This should help a bit with the image rebuild workflow.



usage: cwt [options] command
        koji            - List builds, base images, hash ids
        build           - Command for building images
        dockerhub       - Manipulate DockerHub repo/registry
        git             - Work with upstream/downstream git repositories
        utils           - Other actions tied to the rebuild (communication, repository preparation etc.)

        -v, --verbosity      - Verbosity level, 1 (Critical only) - 5 (Debug messages), default 4 (Info)
        --base               - Specific base image release, required for some actions
        --clear-cache        - Clears tmp dir before running the command
        --latest-release     - Work with latest brew builds by release value
        --config             - Overrides default configuration file, expects the name of file a inside the config folder, optionally takes image_set argument
                               example usage: --config default.yaml:fedora27
        --do-image           - Use a custom set of images instead of all from the config (use dist-git names)
        --exclude-image      - Exclude an image from the list of images defined by config (use dist-git names)
        --do-set             - Use a specific set of images instead of all from the config (use dist-git names)
        --tmp                - Overrides default temporary working directory
        --disable-klist      - Disables getting kerberos token by klist

To get the usage of a specific command, you can run:

cwt command --help


This repository also contains test suites for python's unittest framework that check the basic functionality of cwt. These test can be run directly from the repository's root via Makefile:

make test

If you do not need to run all of the test cases provided you can run a module-specific subset like this:

make test_distgit