

  • Digital Ocean CLI is installed and set up. An API Token can be created here.
  • The SSH Key prisma_digital_ocean is in your ~/.ssh folder. This can be found in 1Password.


Benchmarking Locally

  1. Run yarn start-server <connector> to start a Prisma server (localhost:4466) with a corresponding database.
  2. Run yarn reset-server <nodecount> to deploy the schema for the performance test service, reset the data and import the test data. Node count must match the name of the import files in setup_scripts/prisma-service/import_data.
  3. Run yarn bench-server <connector> <test> to run the benchmarks against localhost:4466. The argument test is optional. If provided it runs this test only, otherwise all tests are performed.

Benchmarking on a Droplet

Run yarn create-benchmark-droplet to boot a droplet that automatically starts a server with the given connector and version. Then the test service is set up and test data is imported. Afterwards all benchmarks are performed. The droplet then deletes itself.

Generating Test Data


# adjust scripts/bin.ts

prisma reset -f && yarn fill