
Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 11.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Graduación GitHub-2022

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Este repositorio contiene el anuario para la Graduación GitHub 2022. Al hacer una pull request a este repositorio, puedes solicitar ser añadido en la Clase Github de 2022.

Los primeros 7,500 pull requests que se hayan combinado exitosamente en el repositorio antes del 27 de mayo recibirán cartas de intercambio, pegatinas y carta por correo.

Aviso de privacidad 👀

Considere que toda la información que usted añada en este repositorio será públicamente visible.

  • Si no se siente cómodo mostrando su nombre completo, puede incluir un nombre corto o apodo en su lugar.

Quién puede solicitar entrar 📝

Invitamos a cualquier estudiante que se haya graduado, o planee graduarse, en 2022 a postularse al anuario. Esto incluye bootcamps, campamentos de código, graduados de secundaria, graduados de maestría, ph. D. graduados, etc.

Los criterios de elegibilidad son -

  1. Ha sido verificado como estudiante con el GitHub Student Developer Pack. ¿Aún no forma parte del Pack? Solicita aquí.
  2. No has participado en un evento de graduación de GitHub anterior.
  3. Te identificas como graduado en el año 2022.

Cómo unirse a la Clase de 2022

Here are two steps to join graduation and receive your custom trading card and stickers in the mail.

  1. Fill out the shipping form ⚠️ the form needs to be done before creating your Pull Request (PR) and does not guarantee participation in the event. Your PR must successfully merge into the repository and only the first 7,500 merged PRs will receive cards in the mail.
  2. Submit a pull request with your profile information to join the Yearbook and be highlighted in the graduation event.

1. Fill out the shipping form.

Information submitted to the swag shipment form is only used to ship trading cards for graduation. Submitting the form does not guarantee you will receive anything in the mail. Only the first 7,500 graduates to merge their Pull Request to the GitHub Yearbook will receive a shipment.

2. Add yourself to Yearbook 🏫

Replace <YOUR-USERNAME> with your GitHub username in this guide. Please note that the <YOUR-USERNAME> here is Case Sensitive. For Example, if your username is MonaTheOctocat, using anything other than it like monatheoctocat or monaTheoctocat will throw an error while submitting the Pull Request, make sure you're using the exact same case as your username in both the folder name and file name.

First, create the folder _data/YOUR-USERNAME/

Fork this repository, create a new folder inside the _data folder, and name it with your username. It should look something like this _data/<YOUR-USERNAME>/. Ex.


Second, add your profile information

Create a markdown file in your folder following the convention <YOUR-USERNAME>.md. Ex.


Copy the next template into your file, delete the boilerplate data and fill the information with yours.

name: FULLNAME-OR-NICKNAME # No longer than 28 characters
institution: INSTITUTION-NAME 🚩 # no longer than 58 characters
quote: YOUR-SENIOR-QUOTE # no longer than 100 characters, avoid using quotes(") to guarantee the format remains the same.

Do not use special characters in the template above.

Third, submit your Pull Request

Go through the checklist on the pull request template to guarantee your submission is valid. The GitHub Education team will review your application, approve and merge your submission if everything is correct. Otherwise, you will get notified of the changes requested in the pull request comment section.

Having trouble submitting your Pull Request? Ask for help in the GitHub Community!

Graduation Stories 2022 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 (optional)

Looking for more ways to participate in GitHub Graduation and the possibility of being featured on our social account?

We want to hear about the amazing things you achieved during your academic year and how GitHub helped you to accomplish your goals. Take a moment to record a video or write a message and share your story with us, your teachers, and your classmates.

How to participate

We are looking forward to hearing what you have to say, and we are grateful to have you as part of our community 💖 Remember: you have until May 30th to submit your story!

A note on swag 🛍

The first 7,500 successfully merged PRs will receive a custom holographic developer trading card with their GitHub status in the mail.

What does this mean? We will use your public GitHub profile information to create a trading card. To ensure your trading card best reflects you, please make sure your GitHub profile picture and bio are up to date and what you would like shown on the card.

Graduation Day 🎓

Don't forget to watch the livestream!

Questions about GitHub Graduation? Ask in the GitHub Community Discussions.