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Generate a hyper-realistic photo an anime style!

Table of Contents


  • Generate a hyper-realistic photo an anime style


$ npm install --save @arugaz/ai2d
$ yarn add @arugaz/ai2d

Before use this package, You have to add sharp or jimp to dependencies.


import AI2D from "@arugaz/ai2d";

await AI2D(`Buffer | Base64 | Url | Path`, options);

// default
await AI2D("https://nekopoi.care/image.png"); //=> Buffer

// crop
await AI2D("https://nekopoi.care/image.png", {
}); //=> Buffer

// proxy
await AI2D("https://nekopoi.care/image.png", {
  proxy: {
    url: "",
    chinese: true,
    image: false,
  }, // support http & socks
}); //=> Buffer

// with async-retry opts
await AI2D("https://nekopoi.care/image.png", {
  crop: "COMPARED",
  retries: 100,
  factor: 3,
  randomize: false,
}); //=> Buffer


The options are

  • crop: COMPARED | SINGLE. Default didnt crop the image.
  • proxy: Support http?s or socks proxy
    • url: Your proxy url.
    • chinese: Boolean, is your proxy from chinese?
    • image: Boolean, download the image with proxy?
  • retries: The maximum amount of times to retry the operation. Default is 10.
  • factor: The exponential factor to use. Default is 1.
  • minTimeout: The number of milliseconds before starting the first retry. Default is 1000.
  • maxTimeout: The maximum number of milliseconds between two retries. Default is Infinity.
  • randomize: Randomizes the timeouts by multiplying with a factor between 1 to 2. Default is true.
  • onRetry: an optional Function that is invoked after a new retry is performed. It's passed the Error that triggered it as a parameter.
  • forever: Whether to retry forever.
  • unref: Whether to unref the setTimeout's.


From December 6 to December 15 the AI had been available only in China or with Chinese proxies. Since December 16 the AI works for the rest of the world (UPD: still doesn't work in some countries) again so using proxies is not needed anymore, but it's limited and allows you to generate only one type of media. Seems like it's impossible to find FREE alive proxies. Don't waste your time searching and just buy it somewhere.
