Student Deliverables

1- APK file of final project Project4/APK/

2- Git Repository with code


1- androidTest:

  • Unit test for:

    • ReminderLocalRepository that including:

      • save reminder and retrive reminder by id
      • get reimnder with no reminders
      • get reminder not exist
    • ReminderDao that including:

      • Insert and get all from Database
      • Insert and get by id from Database
      • delete all from Database
  • UI Testing for:

    • ReminderListFragmentTest that including:

      • add reminder then check if displayed on the ui
      • delete all reminder then assert that no data is displayed with icon
      • click on add reminder button to check if navigate to reminder fragment
    • RemindersActivity that including:

      • add reminder with out enter title to test the snack bar errors for title
      • add reminder with out enter location to test the snack bar errors for location
      • add reminder with all requirements "title, description and location"

2- test:

  • Test SaveReminderViewModel that including:

    • validate entered data when invalid title is entered and show snack bar errors
    • validate entered data when invalid location is entered show snack bar errors
    • validate entered data when all entered and show toast!
    • save reminder and navigate back after save
    • save reminder and pause dispater show loading
  • Test RemindersListViewModel that including:

    • load reminders and assert that is shows data
    • load reminder and pause dispater to shows loading
    • load reminder and pause dispater and set error to true to shows error