
RPC library for the TestCafé.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TestCafe RPC

RPC library for the TestCafé. It allows you to create a single TestCafé instance and then interact with it programmatically from any machine in your network.


$ npm install testcafe-rpc

Running a server

var TestCafeRemote = require('testcafe-rpc');

//Options for TestCafé instance
var opt = {
        controlPanelPort: 1337,
        servicePort: 1338,
        testsDir: 'YOUR_TESTS_DIR',
        browsers: {
            'Mozilla Firefox': {
                path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",
                icon: "ff",
                cmd: "-new-window"
    rpcPort = 1339;

//Create TestCafé server instance with given options which can be accessed via RPC on port 1339.
var testCafeServer = new TestCafeRemote.Server(opt, rpcPort);

//Returned object exposes standard TestCafé API, so you can use it as a regular TestCafé instance.
testCafeServer.runTests({ browsers: testCafeServer.listAvailableBrowsers() }, function (errors, taskUid, workers) {
    //do smthg...

Running a client

var TestCafeRemote = require('testcafe-rpc');

var rpcHostname = 'myhostname',
    rpcPort = 1339;

//Connect to the existent TestCafé server (if you running both client and server on the same machine
//hostname-parameter can be ommited).
var testCafeClient = new TestCafeRemote.Client(rpcPort, rpcHostname);

//Client can be used as a regular TestCafé instance with exception that listAvailableBrowsers() and listConnectedWorkers()
//are asynchronous methods.
testCafeClient.listAvailableBrowsers(function(browsers) {
    testCafeClient.runTests({ browsers: browsers }, function (errors, taskUid, workers) {
      //do smthg...

Need more help to get started?

Visit TestCafé Continuous integration guide and Continuous integration API reference. If you have any additional questions or suggestions don't hesitate to ask using DevExpress Support Center.