A Sales Order Management System Task given By IW.
Requirements are:
- Create new database tables Using Code First In Entity Framework.
- Blazor WebAssembly app with an interface to show data from DB.
- Make an ability to change and save data in the application: state, name, and dimensions.
- Add the ability to create and delete orders, windows and elements.
- Optional: Interface validations. DTO. Separated BLL and DAL projects.
- Clone this repository by using
git clone https://github.com/Farhad-Rakib/OMS.git
Change appsettings.json with credentials.
Add migrations and update database in Infrastructure Project by using PMC
Add-migration "(Migration_Name}"
- Set the SERVER Project as the startup Project
- Architecture Followed :
- Clean Architecture AKA Onion Architecture with Blazor web Assembly (.Net Core Hosted)
- Major Library Used:
- AutoMapper
- EntityFrameworkCore
- NpgSql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
- Database Used: PostgreSQL
- Project Depedency Flow:
BLAZOR Server --> Infrastructure --> Appllication --> Core
OrderController is responsible for receiving all the request from Blazor front-end project. Swagger is also installed to test the APIs.
- Swagger UI : https://localhost:*PORT/oms/apis/
- On project run(Server app as the starting project) , '/' is set to the list of orders .
- '/orders' also show all the orders entered by the users
- 'create order' button will bring the order creation Form which is a nested form of windows and sub-elements.
- Validations are applied where needed.
- Seperate component and cs file(partial class implementation)