
A simple social-network built in Ruby on Rails

Primary LanguageRuby



SocialZ is a open source social network built in Ruby on Rails.

In this platform users can:
  • upload posts with photos, then edit or destry them.
  • The posts are votable and commentable by the other users.
  • destroy comments
  • See all the other user's posts and profiles
  • Edit user data
Ruby version:
  • 2.5.1
Rails version:
  • 5.2.1
  • Postgresql
Environments setup:
  1. follow this (or other) guides to install ruby on rails on your device: (tutorial) https://gorails.com/setup/ubuntu/18.10

  2. install postgresql in your system: (tutorial) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LwI4HMR_Eg

  3. clone this repository by executing this commands in your terminal:

$ git clone https://github.com/FarhanGazi/SocialZ.git
Dasabate setup:
  1. move to the config directory
$ cd ~/SocialZ/config
  1. open the database.yml file

  2. edit the file

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
Database creation:
  1. write these terminal commands:
$ cd ..
$ rake db:setup
Database initialization:
  1. then create the tables by executing the migrations:
$ rake db:migrate
Run the project in local:
  1. write the terminal command inside the porject directory:
$ bin/rails s
Technical details:
  • SocialZ use the rails active storage to store the images
  • The comment are created and deleted by using AJAX
  • AJAX is used also when you like or delete the posts from your profile or from the home.
  • the app is stored in heroku with a hobby-dev plan, so it won't store the active storage like images more then 30 minutes.
Some screenshots...

screenshot from 2018-08-30 15-34-16 screenshot from 2018-08-30 15-35-15 screenshot from 2018-08-30 15-37-04 screenshot from 2018-08-30 15-38-29