Assignment 1: DH Parameters, Forward and Inverse Kinematics
Objective: The objective of this assignment is to use the tools offered by Robotics. Toolbox for Matlab to design and analyze an automatic manipulator.
Skills acquired:
- Computing Modified DH Parameters
- Working with Peter Corke matlab toolbox
- Computing Forward kinematics
- Computing Inverse kinematics
- Assign link frames
- Determine the modified DH parameters for the PUMA robot of Figure 1. NOTE: parameters like link offset (d) or link length (a) should be assumed intuitively in this first iteration step. Joint twitst(α) can be determined from the figure
- Model the manipulator with SerialLink command and attach the tool to the manipulator
- Use teach command to jog the robot manually and visualize roughly if the working positions/orientations are within the robot workspace
- Compute the inverse kinematics of the cases A and B shown in Figure 3, if the inverse kinematics method can not find a solution, go to step 2 and modify link offsets (d) and lengths (a)