
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook




Part 1:

1 Write a script to generate an p-ER random graph.

2 Write a script to generate an r-regular random graph.

3 Write a script to check the connectivity of a given graph.

            algebraic method 1 (irreducibility);
            algebraic method 2 (eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix);
            BFS algorithm;

4 Compare the complexity as a function of n of the methods above by plotting curves of a complexity measure vs n.

5 Let Pc(G) denote the probability that a graph G is connected.

By running Monte Carlo simulations estimates Pc(G) and produce two curve plots:

            Pc(G) vs. p for Erdos-Renyi graphs with n = 100.
            Pc(G) vs. n, for n <= 100, for r -regular random graphs with r = 2 and r = 16.

Part 2: Throughput performance

By re-using the scripts of part 1, write a script that:

            (i) generates a random graph describing the topology of the ToR switch network; 
            (ii) checks its connectivity; 
            (iii) finds shortest path routes; 
            (iv) estimates h.

Use both the r -regular random graph model and the p-Erdos-Renyi random graph model. In either case let n be the number of nodes (you can assume 9 <= n <= 100, r = 8 and p = 8/(n - 1))

Plot the application-oblivious throughput bound TH (averaged over many generated graphs), as defined above, versus n for the two graph models.