
FarmhackNL mobiliseert coders, creatieven en domeinexperts op vraagstukken van de boer.


FarmHack.NL is a catalyst for solutions, innovations and open collaborations in the agricultural and farming sector.

We mobilize coders, developers, creatives and domain experts to tackle challenges that stand in the way of widespread adoption of IT by farmers.

We organize hackathons, knowledge exchange events, bootcamps and help startups turn ideas into minimum viable products.

Our motto is “make things open, it makes things better”.

We strive to organise open, inclusive and collaborative events. The FarmHack Organization harbours open data, prototypes and concepts used/crafted during/after our events. The FarmHack Forum is our public square: join us for a chat!


  • Smart Dairy Farming Hackathon - a hackathon at the Smart Dairy Farming premises aimed at test driving their newly built infrastructure which gives farmers full control of their data.
  • MestHack 2017 [repository] - a hackathon about better management, oversight and distribution manure.
  • AgriVision Hackathon - a hackathon about smart pig farm and smart(er) data exchange.
  • FarmHacks 2016 [repository] - four hackathons in farmers' barns dealing with precision farming, potato disease prevention and treatment, short shupply chains and smart pig farms.

Each hackathon's repository contains a description of the challenges and a collection of datasets made available by the participating farmers and business/academic partners.