- A running instance of MongoDB
- Postman
- An IDE or text editor (VS Code)
- A web browser
- A package manager such as NPM or Yarn
- Node.js installed
- npm run build - Build application (tsc)
- npm run dev - Run application for development (via node)
- Node.js and npm https://nodejs.org/en/
- MongoDB https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/
- Install global TypeScript npm install -g typescript
- Install global ts-node install -g ts-node
Create the user administrator Start mongodb service and connect to the mongo shell
Clone this reporsitory open it on Your IDE run the following comand
npm or yarn install
and then
npm or yarn run dev
Link To Live API Deployment on Postman https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/9038236/UyrGCZui
GitHub Link https://github.com/Farnas2019/Kobo360TestAPI.git
Link To Live Deployment on Render https://kobo360testapi.onrender.com/
- REST API principals
- HTTP methods
- Request validation
- Node.js
- MongoDB with Mongoose
- TypeScript
- Express.js & Express.js middleware