KOBO 360 BACKEND TEST API with Node.js, Mongoose & TypeScript

What you will need

  • A running instance of MongoDB
  • Postman
  • An IDE or text editor (VS Code)
  • A web browser
  • A package manager such as NPM or Yarn
  • Node.js installed

Scripts and Tasks

  • npm run build - Build application (tsc)
  • npm run dev - Run application for development (via node)

Getting Started

Step 1: Environment preparation


Step 2: Configure Database

Create the user administrator Start mongodb service and connect to the mongo shell

How it works

Clone this reporsitory open it on Your IDE run the following comand

  • npm or yarn install

  • and then

  • npm or yarn run dev

Documentation And How it works


  • REST API principals
    • CRUD
    • HTTP methods
  • Request validation


  • Node.js
  • MongoDB with Mongoose
  • TypeScript
  • Express.js & Express.js middleware