Originally based on great AngularClass webpack starter
- Build and testing process integrated with maven
- Spring cloud microservices with Zull and Eureka
- Spring security Oauth2 integration
- Spring Boot application in development mode use resources from webpack dev server
- scss support
- Angular material
- font-awesome
To use production mode you need to use production maven profile as well as production spring profile (both activated as default)
Install parent and common libraries:
cd shardis-parent/
mvn install
cd shardis-common/
mvn install
Then build and run discovery server:
cd shardis-discovery/
mvn clean package
java -jar ./target/shardis-discovery-1.7.0.jar
Then build and run api server:
cd shardis-api/
mvn clean package
java -jar ./target/shardis-api-1.7.0.jar
Then build and run auth server:
cd shardis-auth/
mvn clean package
java -jar ./target/shardis-auth-1.7.0.jar
Then build and run ui server:
cd shardis-api/
mvn clean package
java -jar ./target/shardis-ui-1.7.0.jar
To use development mode you need also webpack development server running in background.
Install all dependencies at first Install parent and common libraries:
cd shardis-parent/
mvn install
cd shardis-common/
mvn install
Run discovery server in development mode:
cd shardis-discovery
mvn spring-boot:run -P dev -Dspring.profiles.active=dev
Run api server in development mode:
cd shardis-api
mvn spring-boot:run -P dev -Dspring.profiles.active=dev
Run auth server in development mode:
cd shardis-auth
mvn spring-boot:run -P dev -Dspring.profiles.active=dev
Run ui server in development mode:
cd shardis-ui
mvn spring-boot:run -P dev -Dspring.profiles.active=dev
Run webpack development server:
cd shardis-ui
npm run server
Run unit tests:
cd shardis-ui
npm run test
Run e2e tests:
cd shardis-ui
npm run e2e
- Added npm-check-updates as dev dependency
- Removed kitchensink page
- Updated dependencies
- Removed foundation and motion-ui
- Added angular2-material
- Basic angular2-material styling
- Added normalize.css
- Added fancy loading screen
- Removed development ribbon
- Updated angular2-material to 2.0.0-alpha.5-2
- Added angular2-material palette to main.scss
- Added sidenav navigation
- Added working login form
- Added ng2-webstorage library
- Inline base css from file and minify html
- Updated node to 6.2.0
- Updated npm to 3.9.2
- Removed typings from git
- Updated typings
- Updated all node packages
- Fixed problem with nonexistent static directory
- Fixed webpack validator custom schema config
- Some fixes from AngularClass starter
- Updated Spring Boot to 1.3.4
- Updated Spring Boot to 1.3.5
- Added Spring IO Platform dependency
- Various bugfixes