

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


We're a community of infosec folks in Northern Ireland. Everyone is welcome whether you're a pro, an amateur or just a wannabe! Our aim is to chat about security, help each other out with questions and projects, and provide a social setting for all of this.

The core collaborative group spans a wide range of infosec companies, government and charities. We hope this will ensure no one place has any over-riding influence, and will prevent the organising burden resting precariously on only one or two people. If you’d also like to be more involved please do reach out.



Next Event | First Wednesday of Every Month| Woodworkers | 1900

In the coming weeks and months you can look forward to;

  • “Getting started with launching and securing CTF VM’s”
  • And maybe other skills building how-tos to get you ready for tackling…
  • Online meetups/hangouts for collaborative CTF challenges, and also competitive CTFs. (CTF platforms discussed included JuiceBox, HackTheBox and Boot2Root, as well as a custom solution for our own challenges, but other suggestions would be welcomed!) (CTF platforms discussed included JuiceBox, HackTheBox and Boot2Root, as well as a custom solution for our own challenges, but other suggestions would be welcomed!)
  • General infosec online meetups/hangouts, with a speaker and then general chat.

Events calendar

Community Philosophy


A tone of kindness and collaboration being a key priority to facilitate fearless community learning.


A ‘transparent governance’ model was agreed, making meeting issues/discussion available to the public and open for comment, and talking through any arising issues as openly as possible – we want everyone to feel like they understand and can comment on what is being planned.


There may also be other comms channels opened (perhaps in one of the NI slacks, or Twitter), but we’d like to encourage you to use the forum so other people can benefit from the conversations.

Ways you can help:

  • Join in on the forum! We want your security news/project updates, and help replying to comments.
  • Help keep the discussion welcoming and kind so we foster a good atmosphere for all.
  • Can you be a Technical or Non Technical mentor, speaker or workshop leader?
  • Can you contribute workshop learning materials to a central “Resource Pack”?

Later we will need:

  • Financial Sponsorship for Refreshments at events
  • Financial/Equipment sponsorship for hardware resources (particularly laptops etc) to minimise barriers to entry from disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Event Venue Hosts

Do you like the plan?

  • Have you ideas to contribute?
  • Do you have preferred ways to receive info?