
Rewe Discounts Homeassistant Integration

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Rewe.de Homeassistant Discounts Sensor

Gets discounts and highlights from the rewe.de API.

Rewe.de Sensor

This integration provides the following informations with a refresh interval of 24 hours until now:


  • sensor.marketid: Amount of currently valid offers

Sensor Attributes:

  • market_id: Your rewe market id
  • valid until: Valid until Discount Date
  • discounts: Discounts currently valid
    • attribute product name
    • attribuite discount price
    • attribute picture link


1. Using HACS (recommended way)

This integration is a official HACS Integration.

Open HACS then install the "Rewe" integration.

If you use this method, your component will always update to the latest version.

2. Manual

  • Download the latest zip release from here
  • Extract the zip file
  • Copy the folder "rewe" from within custom_components with all of its components to <config>/custom_components/

where <config> is your Home Assistant configuration directory.

NOTE: Do not download the file by using the link above directly, the status in the "master" branch can be in development and therefore is maybe not working.


Go to Configuration -> Integrations and click on "add integration". Then search for Rewe.

Getting the rewe market ID

  1. Go to the REWE Marktsuche
  2. Enter your city or PLZ and choose your desired REWE
  3. Select "Marktinfos"
  4. Copy the marked id from the URL

Rewe.de Sensor

Configuration Variables

  • market_id: Enter your rewe market id

Lovelace cards

Sample Lovelace card from KrizzeOne

Provided by KrizzeOne:

# **Süßes und Salziges**
|            |        |       |
| :------------: |:------------- | -----:|
 {%- set product_list_loop =  state_attr('sensor.rewe_440421', 'discounts') -%}

{%- for product in product_list_loop -%} {% if 'Süßes & Salziges' in product.category and product.product != '' %}
| <img src="{{product.picture_link[0] }}" width="50" height="50"/> | {{product.product }}
| ![badge](https://badgen.net/badge/{{ product.price | urlencode }}/€)
|  {%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}

Downsides / Considerations:

  • It takes up to 4sec to load the content if you choose multiple product categories
  • Price tags are build via https://badgen.net and most of the time you have to reload your lovelace page to get all badges
  • Product images aren't square all the time. Sometimes they look a bit distorted
  • By using table layout as I do, Lovelace cards looks different if you have short/long product names. This drives me crazy and I hope I will have a more robust solution in the future.

Sample Lovelace card from schblondie

Provided by schblondie:

Automations in HA

A full automation example for HA would be:

message: >
    Neues Angebot im Rewe Prospekt für
    {%- set product_list_loop =  state_attr('sensor.rewe_440421', 'discounts') -%}
    {%- for product in product_list_loop -%}
    {% if 'Spezi' in product.product or 'Käse' in product.product or 'Nutella' in product.product %}

    {{product.price.price }} € - {{product.product }}

    {{ product.picture_link[0] }}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}

Bug reporting

Open an issue over at github issues. Please prefer sending over a log with debugging enabled.

To enable debugging enter the following in your configuration.yaml

        custom_components.rewe: debug

Thanks to

This integration uses the great python code from Foo-Git Rewe-discounts