
WoodToad is a Lua Library that wraps the mongo-c-driver api. Meet in the connection between the lua logic and pure c mongodb demand, and offer another choise of luamongo

Primary LanguageC


WoodToad is a Lua Library that wraps the mongo-c-driver api. Meet in the connection between the lua logic and pure c mongodb demand, and offer another choise of luamongo

HowTo Use WoodToad

import WoodToad

local mongo = require "mongo.c"

New A Connection

local db = assert(mongo.Connection.New())

Connect the Db

assert(db:connect('localhost', 27017))

Authnicate the Db

auth_info['dbname'] = 'test' auth_info['username'] = 'root' auth_info['password'] = 'root' assert(db:auth(auth_info))


local q = assert(db:query('test.persons', '{}'))


local data = {} data['a'] = 72 * 1 data['b'] = 72 * 2 data['c'] = {} data['c']['c1'] = 7 data['c']['c2'] = 29 assert(db:insert('test.persons', data)) assert(db:insert_batch('test.persons', {{name = 'tom', age = 120}, {name = 'jack', age = 72}, {name = 'lucy', age = 24}})) assert(db:insert('test.persons', data))


local uq = db:find_one('test.persons', '{}', '{}') for k,v in pairs(uq) do print(k) print(v) end


db:update('test.persons', '{}', {a=72, b=123}, false, false) for result in q:results() do print(result.a) print(result.b) end