
A Vue 3.0 library for FastComments, a fast and developer friendly comment system.

Primary LanguageVue


A Vue 3.0 library for FastComments, a fast and developer friendly comment system.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide



npm install --save fastcomments-vue-next


yarn add fastcomments-vue-next


The Comment Widget

The FastCommentsVueNext component contains the live FastComments comment widget.

Replace "demo" below with your "tenantId" - available here in the FastComments admin area.

The widget supports a lot of options - see FastCommentsConfig here.

  <FastComments v-bind:config="{tenantId: 'demo'}" />
import { FastComments } from 'fastcomments-vue-next'
export default {
  name: 'FastCommentsExample',
  components: {

Updating The Current Page (SPA Example)

In FastComments we call the article id, or page the comments get tied to, the URL ID as it can be a url or an ID. Define the URL ID in the following manner. The component watches for changes in config object, and will reload, so you can update the URL ID.

<FastComments v-bind:config="{tenantId: 'demo', url: 'https://example.com/somepage', urlId: 'some-page-id'}" />

Account Region (ATTENTION: EU Customers)

If your account is located in the EU, set region = 'eu' in the widget configuration, for example:

<FastComments v-bind:config="{tenantId: 'demo', url: 'https://example.com/somepage', urlId: 'some-page-id', region: 'eu'}" />

Otherwise, you do not have to define region.

All Widgets and Documentation

Run the local documentation:

npm run serve


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MIT © winrid