General data-binding package for Jackson (2.x): works on streaming API (core) implementation(s)
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When serializing a Map via Converter(StdDelegatingSerializer), a NullPointerException is thrown due to missing key serializer
#4878 opened by k163377 - 0
Rename `TextNode` as `StringNode`; `JsonNode.xxxTextYyy()` (mostly) as `JsonNode.xxxStringYyy()` [JSTEP-3]
#4879 opened by cowtowncoder - 13
valueToTree() doesn't work with WRAP_ROOT_VALUE
#4859 opened by stickfigure - 2
Change default of `DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES` to `true` for 3.0
#4858 opened by cowtowncoder - 0
Remove `JsonNode.fields()` from 3.0
#4875 opened by cowtowncoder - 3
Add `ArrayNode JsonNode.asArray()` helper method
#4868 opened by cowtowncoder - 2
Add `JsonNode.values()` to replace `elements()`
#4869 opened by cowtowncoder - 0
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Add basic Stream support in `JsonNode`: `valueStream()`, `propertyStream()`, `forEachEntry()`
#4863 opened by cowtowncoder - 9
`ConstructorDetector.USE_PROPERTIES_BASED` does not work with multiple constructors since 2.18
#4860 opened by Saljack - 18
Not able to deserialize Enum with default typing after upgrading 2.15.4 -> 2.17.1
#4849 opened by lenrok258 - 0
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Subclassed Throwable deserialization fails since v2.18.0 - no creator index for property 'cause'
#4827 opened by nilswieber - 0
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Change default of `SerializationFeature.WRITE_DURATIONS_AS_TIMESTAMPS` to `false` in 3.0
#4846 opened by cowtowncoder - 0
Change default of `SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS` to `false` in 3.0
#4845 opened by cowtowncoder - 0
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Deserialization of Class with multiple constructors and usage of ParameterNamesModule
#4834 opened by djohs - 3
ZonedDateTime serialization with @JsonFormat pattern never uses it while WRITE_DATES_WITH_ZONE_ID enabled
#4829 opened by verve111 - 0
Rename `AnnotationIntrospector.findDefaultCreator()` as `findPreferredCreator()`
#4818 opened by cowtowncoder - 1
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Deserialization using `@JsonCreator` with renamed property failing (since 2.18)
#4810 opened by jmesny - 0
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can not bind `is_active` to isActive when setting PropertyNamingStrategies.SNAKE_CASE
#4806 opened by afattahi54 - 8
Proposal: Add Nullable Conversion Methods (e.g., asNullableInt) for JsonNode
#4802 opened by JinseongHwang - 5
LeakyAbstraction: NumericNodes which represent the same Json value are not considered equal
#4803 opened by ludgerb - 0
Consider adding `JsonNodeFeature` to allow overriding `DeserializationFeature.USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS`
#4801 opened by cowtowncoder - 12
Polymorphic class with `@JsonUnwrapped` throwing "Unrecognized field" after upgrade to 2.18
#4792 opened by martin-frydl - 8
`StdValueInstantiator.withArgsCreator` is now set for creators with no arguments
#4777 opened by k163377 - 9
Using toString() on Serialization Fail.
#4800 opened by lucky8987 - 12
Possibly wrong behavior of @JsonMerge
#4783 opened by nlisker - 7
JsonAnySetter handling changed recently?
#4795 opened by alesj - 0
compareArray funtion return false path when a filed is removed from array of object
#4796 opened by shoaibjo - 7
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Serialization and deserialization issue of sub-types used with `JsonTypeInfo.Id.DEDUCTION` where sub-types are Object and Array
#4772 opened by Gems - 4
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SerializationFeature.ORDER_MAP_ENTRIES_BY_KEYS should not apply to Maps with uncomparable keys
#4773 opened by nathanukey - 4
#4782 opened by Mariamalmesfer - 4
Deserializing with annotation-less single-arg constructor POJOs in 2.18 switched from delegating to properties json creator.
#4779 opened by softqwewasd - 3
Deduction-based deserialization fails with List
#4770 opened by josevsgeon - 9
ObjectMapper.readValue ignores the type
#4766 opened by MrMaxxan - 1
QName (de)serialization ignores prefix
#4771 opened by jpraet - 4
Colon is not produced between field name and field value if the field value is serialized trough a mixin
#4767 opened by requiel20 - 3
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@JsonValue ignores annotations on annotated field (particularly @JsonInclude)
#4762 opened by sikorskii - 8
Different compilation behavior using a built-from-source jar vs maven central jar
#4755 opened by brownp2k