
A developer kit for interacting with our API, written in Python 3.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Blackerz API-Wrapper travis status

Python SDK for interact with our API

Example Post Bot Description

import blackerz_wrapper as blackerz


goblox = blackerz.bot("bot_id")

bot_data = goblox.bot_data()

result = goblox.edit_data(short_description="generated_by_python_lib")
print(result) # boolean indicates success or not

print(goblox.check_vote("775363892167573535")) # check if userid 775363892167573535 voted the bot  


Get your V1 auth by login to our website then visit your profile, here the link
https://blackerz.herokuapp.com or https://blackerz.tk

Github: https://github.com/Fastering18/Blackerz-SDK-Python

Made by Fastering18, join our support server https://discord.gg/t7zJBwynFU for more information.