
SourceMod scripting include

Primary LanguageSourcePawn

[DTC] DownloadTableConfig

With DTC you can easily create download config and give some files prefixes, which highlight that file on config loading (and also can contain some arguments set by server master). You no more need to create bunch of convars or KeyValue config for settings of your files (like scale of the texture, team for the texture etc.). Download

File format

  • Each line contains one file at max
    • e.g. materials/decals/custom/redstar.vtf
  • Blank and commented lines are skiped
  • Each file can have prefix [PrefixName PrefixArg1 PrefixArg2 PrefixArg3 ...] FilePath
    • e.g. [Mark Red 12.0 0.125] materials/decals/custom/redstar.vmt
    • Prefix are realised via RegEx /^\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\]/gm
  • Arguments cannot contain ] (must be escaped to \])
  • String arguments with whitespace must be quoted e.g. [PrefixName 1.0 "whitespace test"]
  • Lines are trimed before processing, so you can indent lines with whitespaces or tabs

File example:

// comment line
# comment line
; comment line

[GamePrepare 3] 	sound/timeleft/en/unreal/3sec.mp3
[GamePrepare 2] 	sound/timeleft/en/unreal/2sec.mp3
[GamePrepare 1] 	sound/timeleft/en/unreal/1sec.mp3

[GameEnd RedTeam]   sound/sm_hosties/noscopestart1.mp3
[GameEnd BlueTeam] 	sound/sm_hosties/noscopestart1.mp3

[PlayerSkin Red] models/player/prisoner/prisoner_red_fix.mdl

[PlayerSkin Blue] models/player/prisoner/prisoner_blue_fix.mdl

[Mark Red 12.0 0.125] materials/decals/custom/redstar.vmt

[Mark Blue 12.0 0.125] materials/decals/custom/bluestar.vmt

How to use

  1. Include DTC
#include <dtc>
  1. Create config (optional)
public OnPluginStart()
	  DTC_CreateConfig(sConfigPath, OnCreateConfig);

public OnCreateConfig(String:sConfigPath[], Handle:hConfigFile)
	  WriteFileLine(hConfigFile, "// [Mark <team> <scale> <offset>]");
	  WriteFileLine(hConfigFile, "");
	  WriteFileLine(hConfigFile, "[Mark Red 0.125 12.0] materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt");
  1. Load config
public OnPluginStart()
	  DTC_LoadConfig(sConfigPath, OnFile);

public OnFile(String:sFile[], String:sPrefixName[DTC_MAX_NAME_LEN], Handle:hArgs)
	  // Catch file with prefix "Mark"
	  if (StrEqual(sPrefixName, "Mark")) {
	    	  new String:sHelper[64];
	    	  DTC_GetArg(hArgs, 1, sHelper, sizeof(sHelper), "ERROR");
	    	  LogMessage("File = '%s'", sFile);
	    	  LogMessage("Arg1 = '%s'", sHelper);
	    	  LogMessage("Arg2 = '%.3f'", DTC_GetArgFloat(hArgs, 2, 0.0));
	    	  LogMessage("Arg3 = '%.3f'", DTC_GetArgFloat(hArgs, 3, -1.0));

Many features are shown in test plugin and here is the plugin output.