
ISBN Validator. I built this to practice Test Driven Development (TDD)

Primary LanguageJava


ISBN Validator, built this to practice Test Driven Development (TDD)

I followed the Lynda Course "Practical Test-Driven Development for Java Programmers" by Matt Greencroft.

This is only a tiny test project, but it did help me understand the benefits and the workflow of TDD.


  • JUnit
  • Mockito.

My Notes from the Course


  • Red -> Green -> Refactor
  • Start with Red to make sure that the new test executes as expected
  • To get to Green: Only write the minimum amount of code to make all tests pass (even if you know it’s wrong in the long run)
  • Refactor to remove redundancy

Best Practice

  • Each Test must check one single peace of logic
    • Only more then one assert() in a test when the same logic is tested with multiple values
  • Test Business-Logic, not methods
  • Tests must be repeatable

What Tests to write? Ask these Questions:

  1. What should the Logic be? (Whats a 10 Digit ISBN?)
  2. What is the opposite of that Logic? (Which Numbers are not Valid ISBN?)
  3. Are there Edge-Cases? (What about ISBN that end in X?)
  4. ERROR Conditions? (When are we throwing ERRORs?)

Types of Mocks

Type What is it for? In Mockito
Fake No Test mock()
Stub Test Data mock() when().thenReturn()
Mock Test Behaviour mock() verify().myMethod()

Work Flow