ToDo application challenge with BLoC pattern.

This challenge is to implement the best possible ToDo list application in the shortest amount of time.


The objectives of this task is to present your skills in following areas:

  • Understanding Flutter application flow
  • Project structure
  • Use of design patterns
  • Use of TDD
  • Application Architecture
  • Clean coding
  • Source control


Followings are the requirements of the project:

[!NOTE] UI is not important and no need to spend your time to create beautiful design

  • List of ToDo items
  • Ability to scroll a long list of items
  • Marking the item as Complete
  • Deleting an item
  • Ability to see the details of a ToDo item
  • Ability to modify a ToDo item
  • Create a new ToDo item with following fields
    • Title
    • Description
    • Tags
  • The data persist on the device between sessions
  • There should be a counter in the app bar always showing the current number of ToDo items pending
  • Filtering base on tag and status


The result should be delivered within the following criteria:

  • The time difference between the first commit and the last commit should be more than 30 mins and less that 5 hours
  • When the application is ready, create a pull request into the master branch
  • Your branch should be compile-able
  • Your branch should be runnable on iOS and Android

Bonus Points

You will receive bonus points if:

  • You write unit test
  • You write widget test


Replace this text with any required instruction on how to build, run and use the app.

How to run project?

In the cli run follow commands step by step:

1.flutter pub get 2.flutter run