
Community Detection via egonet-based tensor decomposition

Primary LanguagePython

This toolbox provides a community detection algorithm developed in the paper:

F. Sheikholeslami and G. B. Giannakis, "Overlapping community detection via constrained parafac: a divide and conquer approach," ICDM, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2017.

To execute, run the command:

python DC_EgoTen.py dataset_adj.txt comm_top comm_below depth comm_total directed_flag C_max method bum_of_worker where

DC_Egoten.py [-h] [--input [INPUT]] [--output [OUTPUT]] [--workers WORKERS] [--directed] [--undirected] [--max_depth MAX_DEPTH] [--top_K TOP_K] [--lower_K LOWER_K] [--C_max C_MAX] [--verbose] [--ordered] [--unordered]

--input         (dataset_adj.txt) is the edgeset dataset with a pair of nodes in each line separated by comma ',' (default fixed_facebook_adj.txt)
--output        is the output file where each lien is the node s assigned to a detected community (default community.txt)
--top_K         is the K community number for the top EgoTen application (default 100)
--lower_K	is the K community number for the consequtive EgoTen application (default 2)
--max_depth	is the maximum allowed depth for the tree (conscutive application of EgoTen) (default 10)
--directed	use  if edgelist is directed
--undirected 	use of edgelist is undirected
--C_max	    	is the desired (maximum size) resolution of a community (set to 10% of the graph size)
--workers	number of workers (set 1 as default)

For instance, run: python DC_Egoten.py --input facebook_adj.edges --top_K 100 --lower_K 2 --max_depth 30 --undirected --C_max 500 --workers 4 --ordered

use the fix python code to fix your adjacency edgelist if the nodes are not consequitvely numbered

The output is a txt file whose name starts with the input adjacency file + 'communities.txt', and the detected communities are given in every line.

***************************** NOTE **********************************

The algorithm utilizes the SPLATT software for solving the sparse tensor decomposition, which can be found at: https://github.com/ShadenSmith/splatt

Download the codes available under the 'wip/ao-admm' branch for decomposition with regularization and constraints, compile and build, and make a copy of the executable file 'splatt'. Next, make sure to have the executable "splatt" in the same directory as the python codes.