
:beers: Hashtable repository in a multithreaded environment (Golang)

Primary LanguageGo


🍻 Hashtable repository in a multithreaded environment (Golang)


Implementation of synchronized operation of external clients with the data store (server) presented in the hashtable form.


  • Multiple clients can simultaneously read from a remote storage;
  • Writing in the store at the same time produces only one client;
  • The implementation of a mechanism to allow the transaction "rollback" of changes in the event of an error during a write operation;
  • Network service: XML-RPC.
For the hashtable the following methods are realized:
bool clear();
bool containsKey(int key);
bool containsValue(string value);
string get(int key);
bool isEmpty();
string put(int key, string value);
string remove(int key);
int size();
int hashcode(int key);
string toString();
Also, the hashtable has the following properties:
Entry[] table;
float loadFactor;
int capacity;
int size;
int threshold;