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This is a Flutter app that demonstrates the power of Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) notifications. With this app, you can receive and view push notifications sent from a Firebase project.

Getting Started

To get started with this app, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download the source code from the GitHub repository.
  2. Open the project in your preferred code editor (e.g. Visual Studio Code).
  3. Run flutter pub get to install the dependencies.
  4. Create a Firebase project and configure it for FCM. Make sure to add the necessary configuration files to the project (e.g. google-services.json for Android and GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS).
  5. Build and run the app on your target device or emulator.
  6. Important Note You Should Use Your Service Key From Your Firebase project


Once you have the app up and running, you should be able to receive push notifications sent from your Firebase project. To send a notification, you can use the Firebase console or the Firebase Cloud Messaging API or From App using HTTP .

When you receive a notification, it should appear in the app's notification tray. You can tap on the notification to view its details, including the title, body, and any custom data that was included in the payload.


This app includes the following features:

  • Firebase Cloud Messaging integration
  • Support for Android
  • Custom notification handling and display
  • Send notifications from the App

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#First one

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#Scoend one

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