
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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A deep-learning method for detecting methylation state from Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads.

deepsignal2 has the same DNN structure with deepsignal-plant, so the pre-trained models of deepsignal2/deepsignal-plant can be used by both tools. Importantly, when using models of these two tools, note that default --seq_len in deepsignal2 is 17, while in deepsignal-plant is 13.

deepsignal2 applies BiLSTM to detect methylation from Nanopore reads. It is built on Python3 and PyTorch.

Known issues

  • [The VBZ compression issue] Please try adding ont-vbz-hdf-plugin to your environment as follows when all fast5s failed in tombo resquiggle and/or deepsignal2 call_mods. Normally it will work after setting HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH:
# 1. install hdf5/hdf5-tools (maybe not necessary)
# ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev hdf5-tools
# centos
sudo yum install hdf5-devel

# 2. download ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz (or newer version) and set HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH
# https://github.com/nanoporetech/vbz_compression/releases
wget https://github.com/nanoporetech/vbz_compression/releases/download/v1.0.1/ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar zxvf ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
export HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH=/abslolute/path/to/ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux/usr/local/hdf5/lib/plugin

References: deepsignal-plant issue #8, tombo issue #254, and vbz_compression issue #5.



deepsignal2 is built on Python3 and PyTorch. tombo is required to re-squiggle the raw signals from nanopore reads before running deepsignal2.

1. Create an environment

We highly recommend using a virtual environment for the installation of deepsignal2 and its dependencies. A virtual environment can be created and (de)activated as follows by using conda:

# create
conda create -n deepsignal2env python=3.8
# activate
conda activate deepsignal2env
# deactivate
conda deactivate

The virtual environment can also be created by using virtualenv.

2. Install deepsignal2

  • After creating and activating the environment, download deepsignal2 (latest version) from github:
git clone https://github.com/PengNi/deepsignal2.git
cd deepsignal2
python setup.py install

or install deepsignal2 using pip:

pip install deepsignal2
  • PyTorch can be automatically installed during the installation of deepsignal2. However, if the version of PyTorch installed is not appropriate for your OS, an appropriate version should be re-installed in the same environment as the instructions:
# install using conda
conda install pytorch==1.11.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
# or install using pip
pip install torch==1.11.0
  • tombo is required to be installed in the same environment:
# install using conda
conda install -c bioconda ont-tombo
# or install using pip
pip install ont-tombo

Trained models

The models we trained can be downloaded from google drive.

Currently, we have trained the following models:

  • model.dp2.CG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17_sn16.both_bilstm.b17_s16_epoch4.ckpt: A CpG (5mC) model trained using human HX1 R9.4 1D reads.

Quick start

To call modifications, the raw fast5 files should be basecalled (Guppy>=3.6.1) and then be re-squiggled by tombo. At last, modifications of specified motifs can be called by deepsignal. Belows are commands to call 5mC in CG contexts:

# 1. guppy basecall
guppy_basecaller -i fast5s/ -r -s fast5s_guppy --config dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac_prom.cfg
# 2. tombo resquiggle
cat fast5s_guppy/*.fastq > fast5s_guppy.fastq
tombo preprocess annotate_raw_with_fastqs --fast5-basedir fast5s/ --fastq-filenames fast5s_guppy.fastq --sequencing-summary-filenames fast5s_guppy/sequencing_summary.txt --basecall-group Basecall_1D_000 --basecall-subgroup BaseCalled_template --overwrite --processes 10
tombo resquiggle fast5s/ /path/to/genome/reference.fa --processes 10 --corrected-group RawGenomeCorrected_000 --basecall-group Basecall_1D_000 --overwrite
# 3. deepsignal2 call_mods
# CG
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 deepsignal2 call_mods --input_path fast5s/ --model_path model.dp2.CG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17_sn16.both_bilstm.b17_s16_epoch4.ckpt --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --corrected_group RawGenomeCorrected_000 --motifs CG --nproc 30 --nproc_gpu 6
python /path/to/deepsignal2/scripts/call_modification_frequency.py --input_path fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.frequency.tsv


1. Basecall and re-squiggle

Before run deepsignal, the raw reads should be basecalled (Guppy>=3.6.1) and then be processed by the re-squiggle module of tombo.


multi_to_single_fast5 -i $multi_read_fast5_dir -s $single_read_fast5_dir -t 30 --recursive

For example:

# 1. run multi_to_single_fast5 if needed
multi_to_single_fast5 -i $multi_read_fast5_dir -s $single_read_fast5_dir -t 30 --recursive
# 2. basecall, fast5s/ is the $single_read_fast5_dir
guppy_basecaller -i fast5s/ -r -s fast5s_guppy --config dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac_prom.cfg
# 3. proprecess fast5 if basecall results are saved in fastq format
cat fast5s_guppy/*.fastq > fast5s_guppy.fastq
tombo preprocess annotate_raw_with_fastqs --fast5-basedir fast5s/ --fastq-filenames fast5s_guppy.fastq --sequencing-summary-filenames fast5s_guppy/sequencing_summary.txt --basecall-group Basecall_1D_000 --basecall-subgroup BaseCalled_template --overwrite --processes 10
# 4. resquiggle, cmd: tombo resquiggle $fast5_dir $reference_fa
tombo resquiggle fast5s/ /path/to/genome/reference.fa --processes 10 --corrected-group RawGenomeCorrected_000 --basecall-group Basecall_1D_000 --overwrite

2. extract features

Features of targeted sites can be extracted for training or testing.

For the example data (deepsignal2 extracts 17-mer-seq and 17*16-signal features of each CpG motif in reads by default. Note that the value of --corrected_group must be the same as that of --corrected-group in tombo.):

deepsignal2 extract -i fast5s -o fast5s.CG.features.tsv --corrected_group RawGenomeCorrected_000 --nproc 30 --motifs CG

The extracted_features file is a tab-delimited text file in the following format:

  • chrom: the chromosome name
  • pos: 0-based position of the targeted base in the chromosome
  • strand: +/-, the aligned strand of the read to the reference
  • pos_in_strand: 0-based position of the targeted base in the aligned strand of the chromosome (legacy column, not necessary for downstream analysis)
  • readname: the read name
  • read_strand: t/c, template or complement
  • k_mer: the sequence around the targeted base
  • signal_means: signal means of each base in the kmer
  • signal_stds: signal stds of each base in the kmer
  • signal_lens: lens of each base in the kmer
  • raw_signals: signal values for each base of the kmer, splited by ';'
  • methy_label: 0/1, the label of the targeted base, for training

3. call modifications

To call modifications, either the extracted-feature file or the raw fast5 files (recommended) can be used as input.

GPU/Multi-GPU support: Use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${cuda_number} ccsmeth call_mods [options] to call modifications with specified GPUs (e.g., CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 or CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1).

For example:

# call 5mCpGs for instance

# extracted-feature file as input, use CPU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 deepsignal2 call_mods --input_path fast5s.CG.features.tsv --model_path model.dp2.CG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17_sn16.both_bilstm.b17_s16_epoch4.ckpt --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --nproc 30
# extracted-feature file as input, use GPU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 deepsignal2 call_mods --input_path fast5s.CG.features.tsv --model_path model.dp2.CG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17_sn16.both_bilstm.b17_s16_epoch4.ckpt --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --nproc 30 --nproc_gpu 6

# fast5 files as input, use CPU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 deepsignal2 call_mods --input_path fast5s/ --model_path model.dp2.CG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17_sn16.both_bilstm.b17_s16_epoch4.ckpt --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --corrected_group RawGenomeCorrected_000 --motifs CG --nproc 30
# fast5 files as input, use GPU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 deepsignal2 call_mods --input_path fast5s/ --model_path model.dp2.CG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17_sn16.both_bilstm.b17_s16_epoch4.ckpt --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --corrected_group RawGenomeCorrected_000 --motifs CG --nproc 30 --nproc_gpu 6

The modification_call file is a tab-delimited text file in the following format:

  • chrom: the chromosome name
  • pos: 0-based position of the targeted base in the chromosome
  • strand: +/-, the aligned strand of the read to the reference
  • pos_in_strand: 0-based position of the targeted base in the aligned strand of the chromosome (legacy column, not necessary for downstream analysis)
  • readname: the read name
  • read_strand: t/c, template or complement
  • prob_0: [0, 1], the probability of the targeted base predicted as 0 (unmethylated)
  • prob_1: [0, 1], the probability of the targeted base predicted as 1 (methylated)
  • called_label: 0/1, unmethylated/methylated
  • k_mer: the kmer around the targeted base

A modification-frequency file can be generated by the script scripts/call_modification_frequency.py with the call_mods file as input:

# call 5mCpGs for instance

# output in tsv format
python /path/to/deepsignal2/scripts/call_modification_frequency.py --input_path fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.frequency.tsv
# output in bedMethyl format
python /path/to/deepsignal2/scripts/call_modification_frequency.py --input_path fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.frequency.bed --bed

The modification_frequency file can be either saved in bedMethyl format (by setting --bed as above), or saved as a tab-delimited text file in the following format by default:

  • chrom: the chromosome name
  • pos: 0-based position of the targeted base in the chromosome
  • strand: +/-, the aligned strand of the read to the reference
  • pos_in_strand: 0-based position of the targeted base in the aligned strand of the chromosome (legacy column, not necessary for downstream analysis)
  • prob_0_sum: sum of the probabilities of the targeted base predicted as 0 (unmethylated)
  • prob_1_sum: sum of the probabilities of the targeted base predicted as 1 (methylated)
  • count_modified: number of reads in which the targeted base counted as modified
  • count_unmodified: number of reads in which the targeted base counted as unmodified
  • coverage: number of reads aligned to the targeted base
  • modification_frequency: modification frequency
  • k_mer: the kmer around the targeted base

4. train new models

A new model can be trained as follows:

# need to split training samples to two independent datasets for training and validating
# please use deepsignal2 train -h/--help for more details
deepsignal2 train --train_file /path/to/train/file --valid_file /path/to/valid/file --model_dir /dir/to/save/the/new/model


Copyright (C) 2020 Jianxin Wang, Feng Luo, Peng Ni

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Jianxin Wang, Peng Ni, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China

Feng Luo, School of Computing, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA