
Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ExaASC is a Target-based Stance detection Corpus on the Arabic Language. This corpus contains about 9500 tweets with replies and target specified in the source tweet. Each sample has at least two stance annotations provided by Exa Corporation annotators. The stance of each reply is annotated toward the target in the corresponding source tweet. Format of data is as follows id, main (source tweet), reply, target, label of each annotator id and in the end majority_label.

Train and Test Files

Training data train_final.csv and test data test_final.csv are provided in this repository, please cite our paper if you used our data.

Request for The Code

If you would like to access our training code, please contact via research@exalab.co with subject: ExaASC Request.


If you are using this dataset, please cite the initial paper:

  author={Jaziriyan, Mohammad Mehdi and Akbari, Ahmad and Karbasi, Hamed},
  booktitle={2021 11th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Knowledge (ICCKE)}, 
  title={ExaASC: A General Target-Based Stance Detection Corpus in Arabic Language}, 