
CORAL GARDENERS platform provides data, real & virtual world activities for everyone who wants to be part of preserving Coral Reefs.

United Nations World Innovation Day Hack 2022


Challenge Theme # 1 - Tech for Good

Coral Gardeners Awesome

🐚 CORAL GARDENERS platform provides data, real & virtual world activities for everyone who wants to be part of preserving Coral Reefs. 🦑🐠🐋🐡🦞🦀


A coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characterised by reef-building corals. Reefs are formed of colonies of coral polyps held together by calcium carbonate. Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, whose polyps cluster in groups. They are sometimes called the rainforests of the sea, they occupy less than 0.1% of the world’s ocean area, yet they provide a home for at least 25% of all marine species including fish, worms, crustaceans, etc. Corals are found all over the world's oceans, from the Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska to the warm tropical waters of the Caribbean Sea. Corals are found all over the world's oceans, from the Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska to the warm tropical waters of the Caribbean Sea. They are estimated to cover 284,300 km2 (109,800 sq mi), just under 0.1% of the oceans' surface area.

You can find a list of where these reefs can be found: List of reefs


Problem Statment

Coral Reefs have been dying out at a rapid pace over the years. This is due to a wide set of reasons like inadequate awareness among the community, lack of knowledgeable resources for all ages, ineffective climate measures etc. Human activity and a warming planet are rapidly degrading these precious and fragile ecosystems.


Our Solution

  • Raising awareness & providing a platform “Coral Gardeners” for global partnerships (sponsorships with different companies):
    • “Coral Gardeners” platform where people gather information about Coral Reefs and how to preserve them.
    • World Map that provides clear indicators & upcoming events.
    • The community will be informed about the activities that our partners sponsored.
  • To promote and train people of all ages using augmented reality with the help of AI so they can apply real-time techniques effectively. Our platform will be a hub for people, companies and public bodies that sync their efforts related with Coral Reef preservation. Funds, grants, events and other related activities’ data are standardised and stored on our platform. People could find the most updated data on our servers.

How We Can Make A Difference

Coral Reef Restoration

Coral reefs can be restored through the following ways:

  • coral farming,
  • creating substrates,
  • relocation,
  • invasive algae,
  • micro-fragmentation and, -fusion.

Our Platform: Coral Gardeners

Our platform will provide a list of restoration activities globally. We will be an intermediary between experts who undertake these activities, volunteers, sponsor companies and enthusiasts.

  • CTA Button 1: Join Upcoming Diving Event
  • CTA Button 2: Dive to meta Coral Reef virtually
  • CTA Button 3: Buy a Coral NFT

Active Involvement and make real impact:

Snorkelling or Scuba-diving

Join a micro-fragmentation diving event Support locals to do micro-fragmentation (like “Adopt a Coral”) Data comparisons to measure our impact (A/B Testing for scientific usage)

Ömer Kılıç diving


Virtual World (metaverse or others..) tour

Re-direct to a metaverse tour with a group of people together Provide an NFT artefacts marketplace where the revenue generated will be used on the above activities


Micro-fragmentation technique is pretty new & labor-intensive. CORAL GARDENERS play a vital role to enable collaboration among experts, volunteers, sponsors and all the rest of our small world village..


Marketplace for NFT creators

CORAL GARDENERS will provide a marketplace for NFT creators who have underwater related arts. We are open to partnership with other NFT buying/selling marketplaces to increase our impact.


  • Sponsor our events
  • Transparent social responsibility

Mother Coral’s 💟 needs require multi-stakeholder partnership globally. CORAL GARDENERS provides the necessary talent, motivation for social mobilization and measurable social responsibility activities.

85 Miles of Atlantic Coral Reef Stayed Hidden Until Now

Technology Used

Building the Coral Gardeners.sql file


  • Login to APEX as the developer with your credentials


  • if you want to install the app (which is an SQL file) you need to do the Import of the Application and pass that file across to import and build the supporting objects
  • You should run the script connected to SQL*Plus as the Oracle user APEX_220100 or as the owner (parsing schema) of the application
  • or for standard tables use SQL Workspace to run sql script provided
  • Use Object Browswer to see what database objects the script has created. TADA


Research Document

Look at our Reseach Document, please!

Presentation Slides

Our presentation slides, please !

Final Video

To be a champion, compete; to be a great champion, compete with the best; but to be the greatest champion, compete with yourself

Our Amazing Team


United Nations Targeted SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals)