
Learning Project

Primary LanguageHTML


__ name __ : Special variable of python. Just the name of module. __ name __ = __ main__ for the following code

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"


routes are what we type into our browser to go to different pages.

Run The Application (command prompt )

  • At first need to set environment variable
set FLASK_APP=flaskblog.py
  • to run the application
flask run
  • to stop the application ctrl+c

In this way the application need to run again and again if any change happens. And to avoid this need to run in DEBUG mood. for this need to set a different environment variable


Another way to run application directly with python and get rid of those environment variable.

add the following code end of the main file

if __name__ == '__main__':

and in command line just run the main file as trivial python file.

python flaskblog.py

Adding extra pages

in the main.py(flaskblog.py) page add extra route


Adding multiline html(naive approach)

def home():
    return '''
    <!doctype html>
        <head> <title> Home </title> </head>
        <body> Hey! </body>

Adding multiline html(Smart approach)

  1. make a templates folder.
  2. create html pages.
  3. in main.py import render_templates
  4. render the page like the following code
def home():
    return render_template('home.html')

Passing Data

  • pass the data variable with render
def home():
    return render_template('home.html', posts = posts)
  • access the data like following
 {% for post in posts%}
        <h1>Hey {{ post.author }}!</h1>
 {% endfor %}

Template Inheritance

To ignore changing each and every pages for a specific part should use a layout file so if any change needed only changing the layout page will do.

  1. make a new page layout.html
  2. and the common code lines to the page
  3. add block where changes required for different pages
    {% block content %}{% endblock %}
  1. Change the previous files like the following one
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock content%}
  1. can also add bootstrap in layout page.

Adding CSS

  • CSS files need to be kept in a static folder named "static"
  • add new css file to that folder.
  • to add this css file to layout need to use a flask function - url_for. This function will found the exact location of the routes so no need to worry about it in background.
  • import the url_for function in main.py(flaskblog.py) file.

Learning Buffer

  • Route Decorator