
This experiment has realized four arithmetic topic generators, which support mode selection and parameter setting.


Several formulas will be generated, including integers in the range [0,20) and operators: addition[+]/subtraction[-]/multiplication[*]/division[/]/power[**|^]. Brackets['(' and ')'] is also supported. Note that the number of operators cannot exceed 10. And the answer and intermediate calculation result won't be larger than 1e10 or smaller than 1e-8. There is no decimals or root symbols, such as "0.123" or "√2" [2^(0.5)]. Give your answer in the format including no more than one "+" operator with integers and fractions. Such as 123/45, 1+78/45, 2+33/45. After the program exits, you can see the log file in folder "./logs". Start the program with "start 10" and enjoy!

=============================commands============================================================= It's not case sensitive. enter "exit" or "quit" to force exit. enter "setting" to view settings in any time. To change power type, enter "setpower"+[number], e.g. "setpower 1". To change operation numbers, enter "setopnum"+[number], e.g. "setopnum 5". If you are ready, enter "start"+[number of formulas], e.g. "start 10". To submit an answer, enter "answer"+[your answer], e.g. "answer 5/2". To submit an custom formula and ask for an answer, enter "calc"+[your formula], e.g "calc 2^(-3)**3".

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 下面的软件工程基础结对.exe为项目展示程序