
Save/load/share your glyph build supports auto-update

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Original Author : https://github.com/Minecwaft

supports auto update feature


  • Save glyph presets to your computer and load them whenever.
  • Even share them with friends!


/8 glyph save

  • Saves your current glyph page with a specified name
  • Example usage: /8 glyph save pve
  • Example usage with spaces: /8 glyph save "fwc and 3s"

/8 glyph load

  • Loads a glyph preset with a specified name
  • Example usage: /8 glyph load pve
  • Example usage with spaces: /8 glyph load "fwc and 3s"

/8 glyph list

  • Lists all currently saved glyph pages
  • Example usage: /8 glyph list

/8 glyph delete

  • Deletes a currently saved glyph preset from your computer
  • Example usage: /8 glyph delete pve
  • Example usage with spaces: /8 glyph delete "fwc and 3s"