
NodeSchool for Seattle!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeSchool Seattle

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/nodeschool/seattle

Welcome to the NodeSchool Seattle chapter's repository. We use this repository for our website and almost all our communication.

You can see the website and learn more about the Seattle chapter at: http://nodeschool.io/seattle/

Talk to us

We utilize GitHub Issues like a message board and keep almost all of our communication in the open. If for any reason you need to contact an organizer privately you may contact us directly.


  • Seth Vincent, @

Contributing to the website

The website is generated using Mustache templates, Stylus, and JavaScript. It runs on GitHub Pages.

Running locally

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork to a local folder: git clone <fork url here>
  3. cd into your project folder.
  4. Run npm install to install dependencies.

For a development server, run

$ npm run docs:dev

Now you can visit http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to see the website.

Important: edit files inside the directory docs-src. Files are compiled into the docs folder. Changes will be compiled automatically by the npm run docs:dev command.

Preparing for a workshop

Install node.js

Install node using the installer for your operating system found here: http://nodejs.org/download/

Install javascripting and learnyounode

Install these two nodeschool workshops via the command-line:

npm install -g javascripting learnyounode

Check to make sure they are installed correctly. You should be able to run javascripting or learnyounode on the command-line and see a menu pop up that looks similar to this:


Check out other tutorials like these at http://nodeschool.io

Install any that you might want to work on.

Issues & troubleshooting

Having issues with installation? Let us know by opening an issue here: https://github.com/nodeschool/seattle/issues Make sure to describe your problem in detail, including your operating system, what you used to install node, etc.

Choose a text editor

If you've already got a text editor you like, then this is complete!

Sublime, atom, & brackets are all good choices.

Command-line basics

We'll be working through interactive tutorials that are completed on the command-line.

Here are some basic commands that would be useful to learn about before the workshop.

We'll be demoing how to complete the tutorials in the beginning of the workshop and will be available to help if there are any issues.