
Using a Field or Property attribute on parameters. Automaticaly generate private readonly fields or private properties. Forbid the use of primary constructor's parameters.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Primary Parameter

NuGet version (FaustVX.PrimaryParameter.SG) Update NuGet


Using a Field, RefField, Property or DoNotUse attribute on parameters.

Automatically generate private readonly fields or private readonly ref readonly fields or public properties.

Forbid the use of primary constructor's parameters.


partial class C([Field(Name = "_a", AssignFormat = "{0}.ToString()", Type = typeof(string)), Field(Name = nameof(C._b)), Field, Property(Setter = "init", Summary = "Documentation")]int i) // type must be partial, but can be class / struct
# region Generated members
    // private readonly string _a = i.ToString();   // generated field (with type and formated assignment)
    // private readonly int _b = i;                 // generated field (with computed name)
    // private readonly int _i = i;                 // generated field
    /// <summary>
    /// Documentation
    /// </summary>
    // private int I { get; init; } = i;            // generated Property
# endregion

    public void M0()
        i++;                    // error on usage of i
        Console.WriteLine(i);   // error on usage of i

    public void M1()
        var i = 0;
        i++;                    // don't error on usage of locals
        Console.WriteLine(_i);  // automaticaly created readonly field
        Console.WriteLine(_a);  // automaticaly created readonly field based on Name property
        Console.WriteLine(I);   // automaticaly created readonly property

ref partial struct Ref([RefField(IsReadonlyRef = false, IsRefReadonly = false), RefField(Name = nameof(Ref.I), Scope = "public")]int i)
# region Generated members
    private ref int _i = ref i;
    public readonly ref readonly int I = ref i;
# endregion

To enable the feature, type [Field], [RefField], [Property], or [DoNotUse] before the primary parameter you want.

You can type as many attributes as you want on a single parameter (Except for DoNotUse).

Attribute Properties

Attribute Property Comments Default value
Field Name Property to modify the generated field name _i (for a parameter named i)
IsReadnoly To generate the readonly modifier true
Scope To change the scope of the generated property private
AssignFormat To change the assignment for that field {0}
Type To change the type for that field same type as parameter
Summary The <summary> documentation tag null
RefField Name Property to modify the generated field name _i (for a parameter named i)
IsReadnolyRef To generate the readonly ref modifier true
IsRefReadnoly To generate the ref readonly modifier true
Scope To change the scope of the generated property private
Summary The <summary> documentation tag null
Property Name Property to modify the generated field name I (for a parameter named i)
Setter To generate the set, init or neither accessor along the get init
Scope To change the scope of the generated property public
AssignFormat To change the assignment for that property {0}
Type To change the type for that property same type as parameter
Summary The <summary> documentation tag null
WithoutBackingStorage Generate the body of the accessors, without a backing storage false
DoNotUse AllowInMemberInit Change to allow the use of parameter in member initializer true

Reported Diagnostics

Code Title Message Severity
PC01 Accessing a Primary Parameter Can't access a primary parameter ('{0}') with a [Field], [RefField], [Property] or [DoNotUse] attribute, use {1} Error
PC02 Attribute generate nothing Use this attribute only on primary parameter Warning
PC03 Attribute generate nothing This member's name ('{0}') is already used Warning
Error when a member's name is already used in the type
PC04 RefField in non ref struct Can't apply [RefField] in non ref struct '{0}' Error
PC05 RefField on non ref parameter Can't apply [RefField] on non ref parameter '{0}' Error

.csproj properties

Property Description Default value
PrimaryParameter_Field_DefaultScope The default scope for fields generation private
PrimaryParameter_Field_DefaultReadonly Should fields generates with readonly modifier true
Ref Fields
PrimaryParameter_RefField_DefaultScope The default scope for ref field generation private
PrimaryParameter_RefField_DefaultReadonlyRef Should ref fields generates with readonly ref modifier true
PrimaryParameter_RefField_DefaultRefReadonly Should ref fields generates with ref readonly modifier true
PrimaryParameter_Property_DefaultScope The default scope for properties generation public
PrimaryParameter_Property_DefaultSetter Should properties generates with set, init or neither accessor init


Version Date Comments
v1.9.1 23/11/2024 Fixed bug (emitting the non fully-qualified type name)
v1.9.0 23/11/2024 Fixed bug when the Type property was not specified with Arrays
v1.8.1 17/11/2024 Automatically detect partial properties
v1.8.0 15/11/2024 Added IsPartial for Property
v1.7.0 23/06/2024 Added WithoutBackingStorage for Property
v1.6.0 22/06/2024 Fix a bug: accept arrays
v1.5.1 19/05/2024 Modified some errors message
v1.5.0 18/05/2024 Don't generate PC01 on a primary contructor base call
v1.4.0 18/05/2024 Added Conditional on generated attributes
v1.3.4 18/05/2024 Added <summary> generation
v1.3.3 01/12/2023 Renamed DontUse to DoNotUse
v1.3.2 19/11/2023 Don't generate the partial generated type if not needed
v1.3.1 19/11/2023 Fix a bug with member initialization
v1.3.0 19/11/2023 Added DontUseAttribute
Add a code-fix for CS0282
Changed PropertyAttribute.WithInit to PropertyAttribute.Setter
v1.2.0 25/08/2023 Support for default values customization
v1.1.0 15/08/2023 dotnet/roslyn#67371 fixed
(related to v0.4.6)
v1.0.0 01/08/2023 Added code-fixes
v0.4.7 16/07/2023 Don't error on nameof access or inside the same argument list usage
v0.4.6.1 16/07/2023 Fix typos in Readme.md
v0.4.6 16/07/2023 Added RefField attribute
Currently uses Unsafe.AsRef() due to a compiler bug dotnet/roslyn#67371
v0.4.5 18/05/2023 Added Scope and IsReadonly properties on Field
Scope property on Property defaulted to public
v0.4.4 28/04/2023 Added AssignFormat and Type properties
v0.4.3 27/04/2023 Field and Property now have using global::System
v0.4.2 26/04/2023 Bug-fix with previous update
v0.4.1 25/04/2023 More precise warnings/errors location
v0.4.0 22/04/2023 Added PC02 and PC03 warnings/errors
v0.3.1 21/04/2023 Added Scope property on Property attribute
Attributes are internal
v0.3.0 20/04/2023 Added Property attribute
v0.2.0 20/04/2023 Support for Name fields and multiple Field
v0.1.0 19/04/2023 Initial release