
⚙️ My few dotfiles: zsh and distrobox setup.

Primary LanguageShell



Required installed packages:

Files that should be in dotfiles folder:

  • .oh-my-zsh: folder, oh-my-zsh installation folder
  • .distroboxrc: distrobox config file
  • .gitconfig: git config
  • .p10k.zsh: powerlevel10k config file
  • .z: zsh-z cache
  • .zsh_history: shell history
  • .zshrc: zsh config file
  • distrobox-init.sh: script to setup newly created cloned distrobox containers (see #Distrobox)
  • pyenv-init.sh: script to create new python virtual environments (see #Python-venv)

All these files needs a symlink to home folder (~/): ln -f -s /home/<USER>/<PATH_TO_DOTFILES>/<FILE> ~/


Aliases in .zshrc (open the config for arguments):

  • ls to exa
  • cat to bat
  • diff to delta
  • xdg-open to open

Useful shell shortcuts:

  • <CTRL-T>: search file using fzf
  • <CTRL-R>: reverse history search
  • <CTRL-S>: forward history search
  • z <folder>: navigate to folder skipping all cds (if already been there)


I try to keep my installations as clean as possible, so I use distrobox to separate development environments.

  • To create containers based on fedora or debian images, clone the two already set up distroboxes (with required packages installed):

    distrobox create -c [fedora | debian] -n <container_name>

Distrobox will take care of copying dotfiles and creating a custom separated home directory (thanks to .distroboxrc config).

Python venv

Python installation on the host machine is kept to the minimum, pip is not even installed. Each time dependencies are needed, a new virtual environment is created with pyenv-init.sh script, aliased in .zshrc to venv.

All python environments are stored in ~/pyenvs folder, and this path is used to configure editors and LSP (python.venvFolders in VSCode), allowing it to be selected by jupyter notebooks. A symlink to the current folder is then created.

  • To create a new python environment:

    venv <env_name>

  • To activate the environment (from the folder containing the symlink):

    source venv/bin/activate

  • To deactivate the environment:
