
Favro RICE calculator using the Favro webhook and API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



About the RICE Scoring Model

The RICE model helps prioritize product ideas by scoring them on reach, impact, confidence, and effort. Higher scores mean bigger potential impact with less work, making them better choices.

Factor Description
Reach Number of users affected by the change
Impact Positive impact on users and business
Confidence Level of certainty in estimates
Effort Time and resources required

$$\text{RICE Score} = \frac{\text{Reach} \times \text{Impact} \times \text{Confidence}}{\text{Effort}}$$


In this example, we will automatically update Favro cards with their RICE Score based on the custom fields representing the above Factors (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort).


The flow will look like this:

flowchart LR
    A[User] -->|Creates/Updates| B(Card)
    B --> |Triggers|C(Webhook)
    C -->|Sends event| E[RICE Calculator App]
    E -->|Updates with RICE Score| B[Card]

The code in this repository is the RICE Calculator App in the above diagram.


Favro board configuration

We will need 4 Status custom fields, denoting the 4 factors.

Reach Impact Confidence Effort

And we will need a Number custom field for the RICE Score

RICE Score

Configuring the app

The IDs of the custom fields are going to be unique to your setup. In order to get the relevant custom field IDs, you will need to follow 2 steps:

  1. Get all available custom fields - note that this list is paginated
  2. For each of the relevant custom fields, get the custom field and extract the ids of items

Note: Along with the main application, you will find a simplified helper to help with the above two steps.

Now that you have retrieved all the relevant IDs, update the relevant IDs in the RICE calculator file

const riceScoreFieldId = "InsertRelevantId"; // RICE Score customfield id

const reachCustomField = {
	customFieldId: "InsertRelevantId", // Reach custom field id
	items: [
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 1 },  // None
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 3 },  // Minority
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 5 },  // Some
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 8 },  // Majority
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 10 }, // All

const impactCustomField = {
	customFieldId: "InsertRelevantId", // Impact custom field id
	items: [
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 1 },  // No impact
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 3 },  // Minor inconvenience
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 5 },  // Moderate impact
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 8 },  // Significant impact
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 10 }, // Critical impact

const confidenceCustomField = {
	customFieldId: "InsertRelevantId", // Confidence custom field id
	items: [
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 1 },  // No evidence
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 3 },  // Low
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 5 },  // Medium
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 8 },  // High
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 10 }, // Absolute certainty

const effortCustomField = {
	customFieldId: "InsertRelevantId", // Efort custom field id
	items: [
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 1 },  // Trivial
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 3 },  // Minor
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 5 },  // Moderate
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 8 },  // Significant
		{ id: "InsertRelevantId", value: 10 }, // Major

Setup webhook on Favro board

Follow our build your own integrations based on outgoing webhooks article to setup the following webhook:


⚠️ Note: You will need to have an internet accessible address to be able to receive the webhook events

Running the example

Start by installing the dependencies

npm install

You can either use the recommended environment variables method, or replace the relevant lines in index.js with their corresponding values.


export FAVRO_URL="https://favro.com/api/v1/"

node index.js

Note: We recommend using an API Token instead of your password. You can generate the token in your profile in Favro

API Token

Then make sure it's runnable with:

chmod +x start.sh

Finally, run the script
