A Computer Science enthusiast having a passion for developing and maintaining mobile and wearable applications with almost 10 years of experience in SE/Andriod
Engineering Manager / Lead Android Developer / Senior Mobile EngineerBerlin, Germany
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This is an Artificial Intelligence project which solves the 8-Puzzle problem using different Artificial Intelligence algorithms techniques like Uninformed-BFS, Uninformed-Iterative Deepening, Informed-Greedy Best First, Informed-A* and Beyond Classical search-Steepest hill climbing.
In this project, Design Patterns have been applied to the existing android application Virtual Receptionist code to make the code better. The Bad Smells have been recognized and removed from the code which we call, Refactoring.
The MVVM Jetpack Compose sample project using hilt, coroutines, retrofit, flow, material design, coil and room database. This project implements dog breeds app that can be used offline as well and it is available in both light and dark themes.
It was a long-term one year (Final Year Project - Bachelor Thesis) project for my bachelors degree. All the learning of Computer Science concepts, theories and research have been applied in this project. Grade Your Code is an online platform where teachers can make programming questions or pick questions from a library of programming questions and post a quiz comprising of these questions. They also decide the grading criteria for every question according to test cases. Plagiarism rate is mentioned by the instructor. On the student's side, there is a compiler, which lets student to try their code again and again and show the result of test cases implemented on his code.
The modularized MVVM Jetpack Compose project using hilt, coroutines, retrofit, flow, material design, coil, coroutines testing, junit and espresso. This project implements mars photos app that consumes NASA API and it is available in both light and dark themes.
It was a complete android application designed and developed on the requirements of the organisation. The application was developed using Magento 1.9 default SOAP API. This application was required an extensive amount of research.
This is one of the most difficult projects, I have worked on. This project is divided into three phases; in the first phase, I was supposed to make VM Architecture. In the second one, Process and Memory Management. And in the third one, I was supposed to make a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Java for the whole project. The requirements file for three phases is uploaded in the PDF format.
Sharkweek was a trivia app designed for school going children to convey them knowledge about sharks through MCQ's questions, picture questions and an extensive amount of animation. The application was developed for the Discovery channel for their Shark related on-air show.
This is the project which has been done for Software Quality Assurance course. UEstates is a real estate system which helps Agents to add Customers and Properties. And helps Users to search properties. The software testing types and principles have been applied to this project.
Hackathon Bremen - Challenge Lenze
FawadJawaid's Repositories
This is an Artificial Intelligence project which solves the 8-Puzzle problem using different Artificial Intelligence algorithms techniques like Uninformed-BFS, Uninformed-Iterative Deepening, Informed-Greedy Best First, Informed-A* and Beyond Classical search-Steepest hill climbing.
The MVVM Jetpack Compose sample project using hilt, coroutines, retrofit, flow, material design, coil and room database. This project implements dog breeds app that can be used offline as well and it is available in both light and dark themes.
This is one of the most difficult projects, I have worked on. This project is divided into three phases; in the first phase, I was supposed to make VM Architecture. In the second one, Process and Memory Management. And in the third one, I was supposed to make a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Java for the whole project. The requirements file for three phases is uploaded in the PDF format.
This is the project which has been done for Software Quality Assurance course. UEstates is a real estate system which helps Agents to add Customers and Properties. And helps Users to search properties. The software testing types and principles have been applied to this project.
In this project, Design Patterns have been applied to the existing android application Virtual Receptionist code to make the code better. The Bad Smells have been recognized and removed from the code which we call, Refactoring.
It was a long-term one year (Final Year Project - Bachelor Thesis) project for my bachelors degree. All the learning of Computer Science concepts, theories and research have been applied in this project. Grade Your Code is an online platform where teachers can make programming questions or pick questions from a library of programming questions and post a quiz comprising of these questions. They also decide the grading criteria for every question according to test cases. Plagiarism rate is mentioned by the instructor. On the student's side, there is a compiler, which lets student to try their code again and again and show the result of test cases implemented on his code.
The modularized MVVM Jetpack Compose project using hilt, coroutines, retrofit, flow, material design, coil, coroutines testing, junit and espresso. This project implements mars photos app that consumes NASA API and it is available in both light and dark themes.
This is the artificial intelligence problem solving project. This work has been done during the course of Artificial Intelligence in my bachelors degree. There are three problems in this project; United Federation of Planets (UFP), Raju’s Patterns and 8-Puzzle which have been solved through AI algorithms.
This is the Multimedia Programming project which implements the Audio Algorithms such as changing frequency, data encoding format (PCM) , amplitude, mono or stereo etc.
In this project, we are designing the database for the Graphics Design School named ‘Nexus’. A proper methodology of database systems has been followed starting with designing an ER Diagram for the database till the normalization of the schema till 3NF.
It is an Human Computer Interaction Virtual Receptionist android application. The application have all the characteristics of a real receptionist and performs task that a real receptionist do.
This is the multimedia image processing project in which multiple image processing techniques have been implemented such as Color2Gray, Flip_H, Flip_V, scaling, negative of the image etc.
It is a web portal which shows the traffic of people at various places. It was a complete Software Engineering project which was developed according to the principles and methodologies of software engineering.
This a complete Software Engineering/ Object Oriented Analysis and Design (Mobile Application Development) project. ShowTime Buzzer is an android application which gets the TV Shows data from all the famous Pakistani TV Channels and shows you at one place. You can subscribe to favorite TV shows and the app gives you a notification 30 minutes before your show is on air. So that you don't miss your favorite shows.
This is the Data Structures project which implements binary search tree and performs operations on it height of tree, number of nodes in tree, traversals etc.
Sharkweek was a trivia app designed for school going children to convey them knowledge about sharks through MCQ's questions, picture questions and an extensive amount of animation. The application was developed for the Discovery channel for their Shark related on-air show.
A Computer Networks project which creates Client-Server architecture for multiple clients using Java language.
This is the project for Computer Networks course in my bachelors degree. In this project Client-Server architecture has been created for single client. The project is itself is very much self explanatory.
This project implements some of the most important algorithms of Data Structures. For example, Circular Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Sorting Techniques (Elementary Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Shell Sort), Stack, Queue and Binary Search Tree.
This is the Data Structures domain project which provides solutions to some of the problems like finding shortest path through maze, magic print etc. All the problems are mentioned in DSAssigment1 File.
This project implements the sorting of linked list using main sorting techniques of the data structures such as bubble sort, selection sort and insertion sort.
This project solves the certain problems of Data Structures using Stacks and Queues.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
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This project presents one of the works which I have done in my Network Security course. RSA Exercise, DES Exercise, Obtaining A X.509 Certificate and Buffer Overflow (Ethical Hacking) are done in this project.
This is a research project which discusses Privacy Issues in IOT and proposed solution to it. In this project, we proposed a suitable wireless security mechanism for the hospital.
This is the currency converter android app which has been designed for Revolut according to the requirements using MVP architecture.
This project shows the implementation of complete Audio Player which is being design using Swing which is a GUI widget toolkit for Java. This the is the project for Topics in CS (Multimedia Programming) course.
This project provides the solution to the puzzle game named Word Collapse using Artificial Intelligence algorithms.