A Trading Card Game

Design for TCG

Vision: Social Aspect of MMOs combined with the collectible aspect of TCGs and CCGs

Core Mechanics



Player 1 plays a card. They get to select a power-up from the categories that applies a multiplier to their card’s stats. Player 2 can see the base stats of the card played and is able to choose what they think category the power-up of a card is; however they can only do this once per turn on only one of the opposing cards. If they choose correctly, the power-up is removed, making the opposing card much weaker. This allows for gathering more information about cards over time








On each turn the following stages take place


Each player selects which actions they are going to do this turn, these are player actions and card actions. Players can choose the exact power of any action that has a power amount (this allows power-ups to not immediately be discovered among other strategies).

Player Action

The player’s selected actions take place according to the speed of each of the players. These are the following actions

  • Power-up guessing (1 per turn)

  • Playing cards (unlimited)

Card Action

The player’s selected card actions take place according to the speed of each of the player’s cards. These are only allowed once per card. These are the following actions

  • Attacking with a card (unlimited)

  • Activating a card’s ability (unlimited)




There are three main ways to gain cards. Trading with other players (via gold or direct card trading), taking on dungeon bosses, and buying them with gold (gold is also buyable with real money). Cards bought with gold are in booster packs that are randomized


Trading takes place in an auction house similar to many MMO auction houses. Players can also do 1->1 trades



To traverse through the dungeon the player must take on a certain number of players of equivalent rank (these are other players taking on the dungeon). After winning a battle, the player is given a certain amount of gold and given the option to go back. After losing a battle, the player loses a certain amount of gold and is forced to go back to the start of the dungeon. This gauntlet is taken on by individual players, who can then meet up for boss fights.


Players may take on dungeon bosses to gain new cards. The dungeon bosses are the high-level players (based on ranking), the high-level players are given a boost when they battle multiple players in dungeons, but not enough to outweigh the benefits of a party. This encourages forming parties to take on dungeons. If the players win the boss fight they are given their rewards (to party leader) and leave the dungeon. If the players lose the boss fight they lose some gold (boss is given this gold) and are given the option to fight the boss again or to leave the dungeon. Low-Level players will not want to take on dungeon bosses. However, medium-high level players will be encouraged to take on dungeon bosses, especially in parties.

Booster Packs

Booster pack cost will be dynamic with the amount of this booster pack the player has bought. So for a player that has bought a pack 10 times and is looking for a specific card the pack would be very cheap. The base amount a pack will buy will be equal to number of cards * average rarity of cards. The reason the cost is dynamic according to how many the player has previously bought is so that a player is not forced out of their money due to not getting the one card they want. Scaling factor for dynamic card cost vs. number of times bought has not yet been decided.