
Team Name:- AfriSolvers.

Project Life Demo:- See live


The purpose of this repository is to provide a collaborative space for development and improvement of the AfriHub platform. By making the repository publicly accessible, we aim to foster community engagement, allowing developers, contributors, and users to explore the codebase, report issues, and suggest enhancements.

#How Generative AI Models are Solving the Problem

AfriHub leverages Generative AI models to enhance the platform's functionality, particularly in the domain of job recommendation. The chosen Generative AI models, have been fine-tuned to process job recommendation for users.

By incorporating Generative AI models into AfriHub, we enable users to find jobs easily. This significantly enhances the job marketing process in africa , as users can land jobs quickly and more accurately. It opens up new possibilities for remote and free working, making AfriHub a powerful platform for working and connecting tech jobs with top talents.