
This project serves as an entrance exam for the CSEC Dev division. My system is designed to streamline the management of club members and events, making it easier than ever to stay organized and connected.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Member Management System Welcome to the Member Management System for CSEC-DEV members! This is a full stack project built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js). The system allows administrators and members to manage user accounts within the CSEC-DEV community.

Tools Used Front-end:

React.js Vite.js Tailwind CSS Axios React Router DOM React Scroll React Toastify Back-end:

Node.js Express.js MongoDB (via Mongoose) Bcrypt.js Body-parser Cookie-parser CORS Dotenv Express Async Errors Express Validator HTTP Status Codes JSON Web Token (JWT)

Testing Credentials

To test the functionality of the Member Management System, you can use the following credentials: ##################### Admin Login: Email: fayselAdmi@gmail.com Password: 090909

##################### Member Login: Email: Fayselcode@gmail.com Password: 090909

Project Structure The project consists of two main folders: client and server. To run the client side, follow these commands:

cd client
npm install
npm run dev

To start the server side, use the following commands:

cd server
npm install
npm start